Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dual Nature of Your Vessel: 05-23-2024

  1. We can simplify the nature of your vessel into two parts: receiving signals and resending signals.
  2. Psychological problems arise when you treat your receiving and resending natures as one.
  3. Psychological health can often be restored by differentiating between your receiving and resending natures.
  4. When you fight or resist your negative urges simultaneously as if they were both your receiving and resending minds, you prevent yourself from switching from them.
  5. Because we are one vessel, and this vessel is simultaneously receiving and resending signals, we can regard these separate processes as one process. However, this prevents us from directing these processes individually, such as when we need to switch focus from receiving negative signals without trying to control or change the negative signals.

For more information, please read 2 Perform Use 2-Minds:

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