Friday, February 21, 2025

Who Am I?: 02-21-2025

  1. You must figure out who you are because everything else follows from that.
  2. What you find inside yourself is not you, especially when it claims to be you.
  3. What you find inside yourself is conditioning, programming, and flesh nature stealing you for themselves.
  4. What impulses do you identify with and why?
  5. When were you reduced to impulses?
  6. What directives do you identify with and why?
  7. When were you reduced to goals?
  8. How would it be if you only identified with your unique internal place and sought to follow only the highest directives coming to fill that place?

For more information on who you are, please read Self: Who Am I?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Today You Can Choose Differently: 02-20-2025

  1. You can re-decide your life no matter how young or old you are.
  2. You can switch from false ways as soon as you recognize true ways.
  3. There is still time to change directions or you wouldn’t be reading this.
  4. As long as you are alive, there is hope that you will finally follow the right path.
  5. You can adapt and adjust your choices to the truth whenever you are willing to admit you are making wrong choices.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Look to God First: 02-19-2025

  1. Literally and physically inside, first look to God (Energy).
  2. Look to God for coping, not things or thoughts.
  3. Look to God for problem-solving, not things or thoughts.
  4. Look to God for creativity and inspiration, not things or thoughts.
  5. Look to God to overcome allurements, bad habits, seductions, temptations, and taking the wrong path.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Who Should You Keep in Your Life?:02-18-2025

  1. People who cause you to struggle or suffer are people you are better off without.
  2. People who abandon you when you are struggling or suffering are people you are better off without.
  3. People who only sympathize with you when you are struggling or suffering are people who don’t matter.
  4. People who help you when you are struggling or suffering are people you should value and help in return.
  5. People who end your struggles or suffering are people for whom you should thank God and be a real friend and advocate.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Collectivism & Individualism Equals Society: 02-17-2025

  1. Self-interest will get you to Heaven because you will make it your number one priority.
  2. Collectivism works best when everyone is an individualist.
  3. To be a complete collectivist, you first must be a complete individualist.
  4. Collectivism and individualism are not polar opposites but the two necessary sides of the same coin.
  5. Collectivism and individualism on their own both fail. It is only when combined that either works for the benefit of both.
  6. Individualism works best in a collectivist society. In practice, this means you look out for yourself first and everyone else second.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

How People See You: 02-16-2025

  1. People who think you have changed are often people who have changed.
  2. People who think you have changed are often people who have changed how they see others.
  3. People who think you have changed are often people who have changed their religion or rediscovered it.
  4. People who think you have changed are often people who have changed their focus from themselves to others.
  5. People who think you have changed are often people who have changed their basic philosophy and understanding of the world after going through an existential crisis.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Worrying Destroys: 02-15-2025

Worrying Destroys: 02-15-2025

  1. Worrying destroys happiness now for the sake of preventing unhappiness in the future.
  2. Worrying destroys peace now for the sake of preventing the loss of peace in the future.
  3. Worrying destroys relationships now for the sake of having good relationships in the future.
  4. Worrying destroys work by devouring your productive time and energy with wasteful thinking.
  5. Worrying destroys planning, proactive responses, and problem-solving by taking their place, space, and time.