Sunday, January 5, 2025

Lock Your Doors to Evil: 01-05-2025

  1. You don’t allow rats to live in your house, but you allow worse to live in your heart, soul, and mind.
  2. You don’t allow cockroaches to live in your house, but you allow worse to live in your heart, soul, and mind.
  3. If you have pets, you are careful to feed them good food. However, you allow your heart, soul, and mind to overeat bad food.
  4. You don’t allow your home to fill with dirt and trash; however, you will allow your heart, soul, and mind to fill with dirt and trash.
  5. If you have little children in your home, you are careful to keep all poisons and toxins away from them; however, you do not keep all poisons and toxins away from your heart, soul, and mind.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Self-Stories Are Self-Delusions: 01-04-2025

  1. Self-stories are relationships with semantic dreams, not people.
  2. Self-stories are relationships with self-constructions, not people.
  3. Self-stories are relationships with knowings about people, not people.
  4. Self-stories are relationships with measurements of people, not people.
  5. Self-stories are relationships with story creation and editing, not people.

Friday, January 3, 2025

You Are the Gatekeeper of Your Mind: 01-03-2025

  1. Following, listening to, and taking seriously some thinking is like punching yourself in the nose. You can choose to stop this.
  2. Following, listening to, and taking seriously some thinking is self-defeating, self-disturbing, and self-punishing. You can choose to stop this.
  3. Following, listening to, and taking seriously some thinking is emotionally and mentally harmful and not something you would tolerate from another. You can choose to stop this.
  4. Do not assume anything talking inside you is talking for you.
  5. Do not assume that the lazy, stimulation-seeking talking inside you must be yours; rather, assume it is a challenge to choose better.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Value Your Inner Attention: 01-02-2025

  1. What facts say I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  2. Where is the evidence I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  3. What laws or rules say I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  4. What is the logic that says I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?
  5. What are the practical reasons I must listen to and take seriously every stupid and vile thought that comes into my head?

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Voices in Your Head: 01-01-2025

  1. Some call the voices in your head voices.
  2. Some call the voices in your head your chattering mind.
  3. Some call the voices in your head your random thoughts.
  4. Some call the voices in your head, your mind trying to resolve unfinished business.
  5. Some call the voices in your head your primitive urges, competing with your social urges.
  6. Some call the voices in your head the drives and conflicts of your parental, reason, and child natures for control.
  7. Some call the voices in your head the programming of your parents and society acting out their conflicts with your natural drives.
  8. Some deny you have voices in your head, but only thoughts that come out of nowhere that frequently mean nothing, which can be ignored as random waste.