Monday, April 29, 2024

Stillness From Silence: 04-29-2024

  1. Who can be still but the one with no self to be moved?
  2. Who can be still but the one who is nothing, leaving nothing to be moved?
  3. Who can be still but the one who is empty so, without anything to be moved?
  4. Who can be still but the one who is nobody with no self-constructions to be disturbed?
  5. Are you a little plant shaken by any wind or a boulder steadfast even during winds from a storm?

Sunday, April 28, 2024

To Host Or Not to Host: 04-28-2024

  1. There is no “seeing it” because you can only see it if you host it.
  2. There is no “getting it” because you can only get it if you host it.
  3. You never realize anything; however, many things can be realized inside when you are empty and open.
  4. You never figure out anything; however, many unknown things can be figured out inside you when you are content to be the host.
  5. You cannot understand anything independently because all intelligence comes from God; however, you can host God’s knowing regarding many things beyond your experience.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Never Say Never: 04-27-2024

  1. The infinite never ends.
  2. The perfect never lacks.
  3. The faultless never fails.
  4. The immortal never ceases.
  5. The unwavering never doubts.
  6. The incorruptible never corrupts.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Beyond Harm: 04-26-2024

  1. Truth cannot be damaged.
  2. Truth cannot be conquered.
  3. Ideals cannot be damaged.
  4. Ideals cannot be overthrown.
  5. Eternity cannot be damaged.
  6. Eternity cannot be exhausted.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Measurement Is Not the Measured: 04-25-2024

  1. You cannot capture spirit, so fools say spirit does not exist.
  2. You cannot think of the divine, so fools say the divine does not exist.
  3. You cannot measure the measureless, so fools say the measureless does not exist.
  4. You cannot see energy, but even fools know it must exist. Fools say you can prove the existence of energy by its effects. Of course, this is how deists also prove the existence of God.
  5. You cannot find things when you look for virtues, so fools have trouble explaining and understanding their existence and propose absurdities when claiming virtues are needed without God.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

You Cannot Compare the Incomparable: 04-24-2024

  1. The changing cannot understand the changeless.
  2. Eternal truths cannot fit inside human words because human words are not eternal.
  3. God is unfailing but all human systems fail; therefore, it is impossible for human systems even to approach God.
  4. Idols are material things, and spiritual ideals are not things; therefore, idols can only represent material beauty, not spiritual beauty.
  5. No human thought can touch or point to divinity, eternity, or spirit because human thoughts can only point to other human thoughts or material things.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Opinions Are Only One Tool: 04-23-2024

  1. If you understand the purpose of opinions as providing information for immediate decisions and choices, then you understand that opinions are only useful in certain contexts and situations.
  2. Opinions should be avoided when discovering, examining, exploring, inquiring, investigating, questioning, learning, problem-solving, researching, searching, seeking understanding, and any process that requires an open mind to function properly.
  3. Opinions, being fixed in nature, require constant correcting and updating of the information they are based on. This means that when new information becomes available, it should be used to revise those opinions, ensuring they remain practical and useful.
  4. Opinions are not the same as facts. Opinions are shortcuts for quick responses and should not be regarded as the thinking processes they are based on or the events or subjects they are about. Facts, on the other hand, are objective and verifiable pieces of information.
  5. Opinions get a bad name because people hide behind them rather than do the necessary work to uncover enough facts and information to form reasonable understandings of events that are open to correction and updating over time. It is better to say, “I don’t know,” than to use someone else’s opinion as if you formed it.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Spiritual Ego Is Material Ego: 04-22-2024

  1. It is a dangerous process to give up your material ego for a spiritual ego because a spiritual ego is much harder to give up because it is pleasing to everyone but God.
  2. Your material and spiritual egos are both yourself as opinions, the difference being what the opinions are about, typically people (material) and ideals (spiritual).
  3. Spiritual paths will encourage you to give up your ego as opinions about people and to switch to accepting your ego as opinions about God, ideals, life, nature, oneness, the world, or the universe.
  4. The spiritual and material egos are yourself as self-constructions, and self-constructions can be understood as mental objects, opinions, reified thoughts, and thought-things, but not as human beings.
  5. The main difference between the spiritual and material egos is that the material ego concerns concrete things in your life, while the spiritual ego concerns abstract things that encompass life or a part of life.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Ego Is Disguised As Concern: 04-21-2024

  1. Your concern for others is your concern for how they think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  2. Your concern for yourself is your concern for how you think of yourself, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  3. Your concern for society is your concern for how society will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  4. Your concern for the world is your concern for how the world will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  5. Your concern for your family and friends is your concern for how they will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions). 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Ego Must Be Right: 04-20-2024

  1. There is no need to be right except for the ego because negotiating requires correcting and updating information.
  2. There is no need to be right except for the ego because understanding requires correcting and updating information.
  3. There is no need to be right except for the ego because problem-solving requires correcting and updating information.
  4. There is no need to be right except for the ego because perspective-taking requires correcting and updating information.
  5. There is no need to be right except for the ego because correcting and updating information is always required when processing human information.

Friday, April 19, 2024

The Ego Is the Center of Delusions: 04-19-2024

  1. The ego’s demand to be at the center makes your life delusions and a dream because life is never about your ego.
  2. The ego’s demand to be at the center cripples and distorts your relationships because everything is not about your ego.
  3. The ego’s demand to be at the center distorts your understanding of life because God, not the ego, is at the center of life.
  4. The ego’s demand to be at the center distorts your self-narratives and self-talk because you cannot always be the main focus, even in your petty problems.
  5. The ego’s demand to be at the center eliminates the possibility for you to be authentic, genuine, natural, real, and spontaneous because the ego is composed of dead things (self-constructions) that must be maintained as living things (fake selves and spirits).

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Stop Seeking Ego Consciousness: 04-18-2024

  1. What people call self-consciousness is ego consciousness.
  2. When people say they are seeking themselves, they are usually seeking a better ego.
  3. When people say they are finding themselves, they are usually finding variations of their ego.
  4. When people say they are bettering themselves, they mean they are learning to appear better for the sake of their ego.
  5. If people were seeking themselves, they would seek themselves as nobody and nothing in the material world and as living hosts in the spiritual world.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Ego Is Its Own Corruption: 04-17-2024

  1. Ego corrupts; absolute ego corrupts absolutely.
  2. The ego corrupts because the ego thinks in terms of mental objects and little of life can fit into mental objects.
  3. The ego corrupts because you attach your life force to it, making it respond like a lizard to threats and a mammal to pleasures.
  4. The ego corrupts because the ego is about appearing as positive self-constructions by making others appear as negative self-constructions.
  5. You cannot see or think clearly if your ego is involved because your ego always has the agenda of appearing superior and not appearing inferior. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What You Chase Is What You Get: 04-16-2024

  1. If you chase positions and titles, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
  2. If you chase a career or profession, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
  3. If you chase possessions and things, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
  4. If you chase virtue, you chase life improvement.
  5. If you chase God, you chase eternal life.

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Host Is Not the Hosted: 04-15-2024

  1. Movies are hosted by TVs, but that is not evidence that TVs are making movies.
  2. Music is hosted by radios, but that is not evidence that radios are making music.
  3. Thoughts are hosted by human beings, but that is not evidence that human beings are making thoughts.
  4. Human conversations are hosted by telephones, but that is not evidence that telephones are making human conversations.
  5. Computers host computer programs, but that is not evidence that computers are making computer programs even when hosted computer programs are creating new computer programs.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Addiction to Destruction: 04-14-2024

  1. The ego is an addiction because it provides both pleasure and destruction.
  2. People want pleasure, and the pleasure of the self as the good, while destroying others as the bad is the highest pleasure of the flesh.
  3. The history of the human race is the history of seeking the right people to destroy to secure more power and privilege for the right people.
  4. The ego needs stimulation to appear alive, and pride as knowing, doing, and being the good while destroying evil provides the most stimulation by simultaneously going in two opposite directions.
  5. The addictive nature of the ego stems from the pleasure it provides—a sense of superiority. This superiority often serves as a justification for destructive actions. For instance, a person may feel superior due to political power and use this to belittle those with less power.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

I’d Rather Be Me Than About: 04-13-2024

  1. I’d rather be me than be about me.
  2. I’d rather be me than be about whining how unfair life is.
  3. I’d rather be me than be about complaining what I have to do.
  4. I’d rather be me than be about claiming I’m better than others.
  5. I’d rather be me than be about some self-commentaries, self-dialogues,

Friday, April 12, 2024

Self-Deception for the Ego: 04-12-2024

  1. Your self-narratives can have nothing to do with reality as long as they feed your self-constructions of how you are better or desire better.
  2. Your internal monologue is not interested in peace, harmony, or resolving conflict because it thrives on conflict and uses it to feed your ego.
  3. Your self-talk holds the power to shape your perceptions, even convincing you of untruths, all while feeding your pride in misery and suffering.
  4. Your self-dialogue is not about yourself because it is about your ego and the needs of your ego outside of and with indifference to the context of your life and relationships.
  5. Your self-commentary is a powerful tool for making all your thoughts about yourself more important than you and creating new and old self-constructions that replace you.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Time to Be You: 04-11-2024

  1. Your past is not yourself because you lived before your past and now live after it.
  2. Your present is not yourself because you lived before your present and live after it in every new moment.
  3. Your future is not yourself because you are here in the moving now, not there then (future-past memories and thoughts).
  4. Self-constructions (ego, self-esteem) want to own you as your past, present, and future and feed on your life force.
  5. Learn from your past, live your present, and prepare for your future while remaining true to your “living host nature,” your authentic self.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Host Is Not the Hosted: 04-10-2024

  1. Find out who is talking inside because it is never you.
  2. Find out who is thinking inside because it is never you.
  3. Any talking inside that claims you are talking can be immediately understood as the enemy because you can only host talking, not be a source of talking.
  4. Any thinking inside that claims you are thinking can be immediately understood as the enemy because you can only host thinking, not be a source of thinking.
  5. Embrace who and what you truly are—a living host, not a god (idol) who knows good and evil, as Satan claimed you could be. This is the key to preserving your authentic self.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Before God, Not Humankind: 04-09-2024

  1. Cry to God, not humankind.
  2. Suffer for God, not humankind.
  3. Lament to God, not humankind.
  4. Feel pain before God, not humankind.
  5. Bear the ugliness of your human nature before God, not humankind.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Get Out of the About: 04-08-2024

  1. When you focus on “about it” over “what is,” “about it” comes to replace the reality of “what is.”
  2. When you simultaneously view “about it” and “what is,” you rapidly switch between them and never fully engage with either.
  3. The “about it” splits your awareness into two because you are supposed to simultaneously view “what is” and “about it,” which means you are multitasking between them.
  4. Sometimes, you need “about it” to gain information and direction; however, you do not need “about it” as a constant companion that destroys the unity and wholeness of your experiences.
  5. If you are thinking about a movie while watching it, are you watching it? What are you missing? Is what you’re missing important? Does the movie occupy you? Do you miss an emotional connection and understanding by not being occupied (absorbed)?

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Ego Cares: 04-07-2024

  1. What people call selfishness is servitude to the ego.
  2. The ego thinks my needs first and the needs of the self last.
  3. The ego claims to care about the self while it destroys and replaces it.
  4. The ego claims to care about the self by caring about the ego’s needs as if they were not in opposition.
  5. The ego claims to care about the self by seeking pride and avoiding shame as self-constructions; however, the ego is composed of self-constructions, not the self.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Knowing Someone Is Murder: 04-06-2024

  1. When you think you know someone, what you know are some characterizations, not a human being.
  2. When you think you know someone, what you know are some narratives and stories, not a human being.
  3. When you think you know someone, what you know are some comparisons or diagnoses, not a human being.
  4. When you think you know someone, what you know are some measurements or testing results, not a human being.
  5. When you think you know someone, what you know is an incomplete history of some behavior patterns, not a human being.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Science Needs a Reality Check: 04-05-2024

  1. The scientific faith in measurement is superstitious.
  2. Without measurement, there is no science, and without understanding measurement, there is no good science.
  3. Scientific measurements are measurements of measurements, not the measured when the subject is as small as or smaller than the instrument of measurement.
  4. Science measures the small to the point that the measurement is larger than the thing measured, resulting in the measurements saying more about themselves than what they propose to measure.
  5. Science measures the small with measurements larger than the small that overwhelm the small and can only provide false conclusions about the small if the measurements are not seen as false and problematic.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Science Is Based on Delusions (GS): 04-04-2024

  1. Science is based on definitions and the delusion that the definition is the defined.
  2. Science is based on categories and the delusion that the category is the categorized.
  3. Science is based on descriptions and the delusion that the description is the described.
  4. Science is based on measurements and the delusion that the measurement is the measured.
  5. Science is based on characterizations and the delusion that the characterization is the characterized.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Ego Is a Delusion (GS): 04-03-2024

  1. The ego is based on definitions and the delusion that the definition is the defined.
  2. The ego is based on descriptions and the delusion that the description is the described.
  3. The ego is based on comparisons and the delusion that the comparison is the compared.
  4. The ego is based on measurements and the delusion that the measurement is the measured.
  5. The ego is based on characterizations and the delusion that the characterization is the characterized.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

To Know Yourself Is Death: 04-02-2024

  1. The ego requires to be known, and to be known is to be dead as something.
  2. The ego is based on claiming and knowing; however, the self is based on active humility and surrender.
  3. The ego is about knowing yourself as self-constructions while pretending that those dead things are living.
  4. The ego is based on categorial thinking that claims to know and be more than just the database sorting, filing, and storing of dead information.
  5. Without claiming to know, you cannot have self-esteem (ego); however, your claims to know are the destruction of the self through foolish attempts to preserve it as fossils.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Self-Esteem Or Self?: 04-01-2024

  1. People love their chains because they love self-esteem, and it is the process of chaining you to self-constructions.
  2. People love to defeat themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the defeat and replacement of your authentic self.
  3. People love to destroy themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the destruction of your original nature for the sake of dead mental objects.
  4. People love to sabotage themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the ruining of your host nature for the sake of dead men’s bones (self-constructions).
  5. People love to harm and hurt themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the death of your deeper and purer nature from a thousand cuts (changing self-constructions).