Sunday, May 19, 2024

Less Distraction, More Focus: 05-19-2024

  1. Less allows for more focus because of less distraction by events and things.
  2. More trust in Energy allows for more focus because of less distraction by thinking.
  3. Less mental noise allows for more focus because of less distraction by internal verbalizations.
  4. Harmony, pattern, and organization allow for more safety and security, allowing for more intelligent and silent focus time.
  5. Creating more order in your environment, such as organizing your workspace or planning your day, allows for more focus because it reduces the distraction caused by anxiety or uncertainty about what needs to be done.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

You Are Selfless: 05-18-2024

  1. You have no self as somebody because any such is the ego, not you.
  2. You have no self as something because any such is the ego, not you.
  3. You have no self as self-esteem or self-constructions because any such is the ego, not you.
  4. You have no self as narratives, stories, or self-talk because all such are about the ego, not you.
  5. You have no self as encounters, events, or experiences because all such compose the ego, not you.

Friday, May 17, 2024

What Can Make You?: 05-17-2024

  1. An insult, no matter how strong, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
  2. A feeling, no matter how strong, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
  3. An opinion, no matter how strong, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
  4. A definition, description, or diagnosis, no matter how accurate, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.
  5. A classification, measurement, or rating, no matter how accurate, can neither prove you are something nor make you something.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Endure Until the End: 05-16-2024

  1. You must suffer as long as you are allowed to do your best work.
  2. You must abide your negative drives while you serve your positive drives.
  3. Resisting flesh nature to serve Spirit nature produces work equal in quality to how long you resisted.
  4. Bearing the pain of facing the opposite pull to relax while you work makes for the best work when you endure until the end.
  5. The longer you face and stand the negative inside while serving the positive, the more discerning and artistic the results will be.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Characteristics of Spiritual Persons: 05-15-2024

  1. The spiritual person is sensitive to all good things and virtues.
  2. The spiritual person is straight because they desire one thing: to worship God for eternity.
  3. The spiritual person is serious about life because they understand it holds a life or death result.
  4. The spiritual person is steadfast because they will endure all ridicule and torture rather than betray their principles.
  5. The spiritual person, in their understanding that choosing life over death is a simple matter, provides a reassuring reminder of the clarity and straightforwardness of their path. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Serve God Exclusively: 05-14-2024

  1. Spiritual people seek to be under God in all things so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  2. Spiritual people seek to wait on God for everything so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  3. Spiritual people seek to be empty and silent living vessels so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  4. Spiritual people seek all from God and give all credit to God so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  5. Spiritual people seek to retreat and return to God’s direction and will from their own so they might serve God completely and exclusively.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Not Rocket Science: 05-13-2024

  1. It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to lustful self-talk, you lust more.
  2. It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to fearful self-talk, you fear more.
  3. It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to lazy self-talk, you accomplish less.
  4. It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to self-talk claiming you’re a loser, you lose more often.
  5. It does not take rocket science to understand that when you listen to self-talk that claims you’re a weakling, you act weakly more often.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Superstitious Feelings: 05-12-2024

  1. It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your being to hurt it somehow.
  2. It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access you to affect your feelings somehow.
  3. It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your self-esteem to control it somehow.
  4. It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your personhood to damage it somehow.
  5. It is superstitious to think that people can somehow access your identity to make it negative somehow.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Talk to Your Awareness: 05-11-2024

  1. Talk to your awareness as your being because it is the energy of your life.
  2. Talk to your inner silence as your being because it is at the center of your inner living vessel.
  3. Talk to egolessness as a state of being to encourage and support it so that you experience it more.
  4. Talk to yourself talking to yourself to gain perspective on your self-talk’s intentions and strategies.
  5. Talk to your self-talk and follow it out so that it is exposed as ego talk and rejected and replaced with prayer.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Spirituality Is Serving God: 05-10-2024

  1. Spiritual people seek to be selfless so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  2. Spiritual people seek to be formless so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  3. Spiritual people seek to be un-carved so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  4. Spiritual people seek to be out of the way so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  5. Spiritual people seek to be nobody and nothing so they might serve God completely and exclusively.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Reject All Objectification of People: 05-09-2024

  1. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as descriptions, designations, labels, names, terms, and titles.
  2. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as categories, classes, classifications, kinds, groups, and types.
  3. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as appraisals, assessments, comparisons, evaluations, and measurements.
  4. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as the ego, self-esteem, self-concepts, self-images, and self-constructions.
  5. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as accomplishments, achievements, actions, deeds, performances, and successes.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Self-Talk You Can Stop Now: 05-08-2024

  1. I hear you talking inside me, but why do you insist on talking to me when I don’t want to talk to you?
  2. I hear you talking inside me, but why should I listen to you or take you seriously when you are an invited quest?
  3. I hear you talking inside me, but what is so important that you must interrupt and distract me from what I am doing?
  4. I hear you knocking, but you can’t come in because you waste my time and disturb my peace of mind every time you do.
  5. I hear you talking inside me, but the fact that you are talking does not mean either that you are me or that I am doing your talking.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Challenge Self-Talk: 05-07-2024

  1. I hear you talking inside me, but who are you?
  2. I hear you talking inside me, but what are your intentions?
  3. I hear you talking inside me, but who do you think you are talking to?
  4. I hear you talking inside me, but how did you get permission to speak?
  5. I hear you talking inside me, but what do you want, and why do you want it?

Monday, May 6, 2024

Spiritual People Reject Much: 05-06-2024

  1. Spiritual people reject all objectifying people as good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  2. Spiritual people reject all claiming to be good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  3. Spiritual people reject all trying to be good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  4. Spiritual people reject all becoming good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  5. Spiritual people reject all appearing as good because they give all credit and praise to God.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Spiritual & Material Ego: 05-05-2024

  1. The spiritual ego functions like the material ego but with different comparisons and measurements.
  2. The spiritual ego is when people identify as self-constructions based on spiritual ideals, goals, and values.
  3. The material ego is when people identify as self-constructions based on material ideals, goals, and values.
  4. Those with a spiritual ego can be directed as easily as those with a material ego simply by giving them different ways to serve society that sound spiritual instead of material.
  5. The spiritual and material egos are the same because both consist of self-constructions, which refer to the mental and emotional objects that individuals hold about themselves based on their experiences, beliefs, and values.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Soul Is Not Like Ego: 05-04-2024

  1. You cannot serve your ego and soul in the same way because they require different shops.
  2. You cannot supply your ego and soul in the same way because they require different stores.
  3. You cannot support your ego and soul in the same way because they require different stocks.
  4. You cannot sustain your ego and soul in the same way because they require different storage.
  5. You cannot suckle your ego and soul in the same way because they require different supplies.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Thinking Has Limits: 05-03-2024

  1. Thinking can’t begin to measure the uselessness of thinking.
  2. Thinking can only prove that thinking cannot prove anything.
  3. Thinking has its proper time and place, but it rarely limits itself to being useful.
  4. Thinking is often static, which indicates you need to tune in your awareness, focus, or senses better.
  5. Thinking can drone on endlessly, so some practical people have turned this penchant for repetition into chanting, contemplation, meditation, and prayer.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Stop Living Under a Cloud: 05-02-2024

  1. Your whining becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  2. Your blaming others becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  3. Your damning others becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  4. Your waiting to be rescued becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  5. Your waiting for others to change becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pride Loves Being Right: 05-01-2024

  1. People are addicted to being right even when they are wrong.
  2. People are addicted to proving others wrong, even when others are right.
  3. The pride of thinking you are right can stimulate and motivate people more than the most potent drug addictions.
  4. Combine the addiction to being right with the gambling addiction. You will be willing to sacrifice anyone and everything to win.
  5. How many marriages, business partnerships, and relationships have failed because people refuse to admit they are wrong or stop trying to prove the other party wrong?

Visit Your Host Nature: 04-30-2024

  1. Become drowned in the presence of your host nature.
  2. Become engrossed in the existence of your host nature.
  3. Become immersed in the awareness of your host nature.
  4. Become submerged in the consciousness of your host nature.
  5. Become enthralled in the experience of having direct contact with your host nature.