Sunday, June 30, 2024

Experience Emptiness: 06-30-2024

  1. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without objectifying.
  2. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without claiming.
  3. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without trying.
  4. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without becoming.
  5. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without appearing.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Ego Is Not a Being: 06-29-2024

  1. The ego can do nothing because it is just thoughts, so stop blaming the ego and start blaming your emotions.
  2. The ego is often perceived as an active being, but, in reality, it’s just a collection of self-constructions devoid of any real action.
  3. It’s convenient to conflate the ego with the emotions it inspires or triggers; however, this leads to the delusion that the ego is active and not just dead thoughts.
  4. The ego, composed of thinking, is essentially helpless. The actions we attribute to the ego are, in fact, the actions of emotional responses to the ego. So, it’s not the ego that’s to blame, but the emotions it triggers.
  5. By separating the ego as a collection of comparisons from the emotional energies it triggers (anger, anxiety), you can find a sense of peace and a clearer understanding of the influences on your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Ego & Identity Have Merged: 06-28-2024

  1. The ego is about your identity as anything but the authentic self.
  2. Once the ego assumes control of your identity, you must wage war to detach it.
  3. To break your ego out of the prison of your ego is not just a task but a crucial step towards leading a spiritual life.
  4. When you encounter your ego, it’s crucial to look and see if it is not keeping your identity as a slave. This self-reflection is a necessary step in recognizing the influence of the ego on your identity.
  5. The ego cannot exist without controlling your identity. For instance, when you constantly seek validation from others or define your worth based on external factors, that’s your ego at play, shaping your identity.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

6 Levels of Ego Delusions: 06-27-2024

  1. The ego thinks of you as past mental objects inside you.
  2. The ego compares you as past mental objects to new mental objects of your new actions and experiences.
  3. The ego collects these comparisons as new mental objects representing a collection of persistent mental objects of you.
  4. The ego compares you as these new mental objects to collections of current and persistent mental objects of other people.
  5. The ego collects these comparisons as new mental objects representing you in society and the world, which are also composed of mental objects.
  6. The ego imagines a virtual reality world where you live as these new mental objects in a society and a world of mental objects populated, motivated, and run by mental objects inside the actual world.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Ego Starts with Lies: 06-26-2024

  1. The self your ego compares to make you into self-constructions is not real because it only exists as a thought-thing.
  2. The body your ego compares to make you into self-constructions is not real because it only exists as a mental object.
  3. The actions your ego compares to make you into self-constructions are unreal because they only exist as biased and incomplete descriptions.
  4. The experiences your ego compares to make you into self-constructions are unreal because they only exist as biased and incomplete memories.
  5. The feelings and thoughts your ego compares to create self-constructions are not real. They exist only as biased and incomplete characterizations, underscoring the ego’s unreality.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Right Relationship: 06-25-2024

  1. You never give permission to God to rule you; however, you might beg Him to.
  2. You never “let go and let God,” but you might decide to stop ruining your life and ask God to take over.
  3. You never “let go and let God,” but you might decide to stop trying to be good and accept that only God is good.
  4. The end of your ego is not enough; you must have your nature changed from being born of flesh to being born of Spirit.
  5. While you may have some control over your ego, attempting to control your nature is futile. It inherently seeks death, destruction, and darkness, and at times, it prevails.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Thinking Dehumanizes People: 06-24-2024

  1. When you think of others, you think of mental objects, not others.
  2. When you damn another person, you damn thoughts about them, not them.
  3. When we claim superiority over others, are we truly superior to them, or just our mental perceptions?
  4. When we compare ourselves to others, are we truly comparing ourselves to the real person or the concepts and images we have collected about them?
  5. When you categorize another person, you dehumanize them by reducing them to concepts and images. Categorizing people can lead to misunderstandings, prejudice, and a lack of empathy, harming the quality of our interactions and relationships.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Snowflakes Meltdown & Blame: 06-23-2024

  1. A snowflake easily hurts themselves (their ego) and easily blames others for doing it.
  2. A snowflake, with their fragile ego, is effortlessly insulted and hurt and habitually externalizes all causes.
  3. A snowflake is someone who lives in a delusional world where people cause other people’s feelings but not their own.
  4. A snowflake, in their self-victimization, seeks to shift the responsibility of their self-wounding (ego wounding) onto others.
  5. A snowflake lacks emotional maturity and responsibility, believing that others must protect and care for them forever so they never have to grow up.
  6. At the core of the ‘snowflake’ concept is a distorted perception of reality. They believe that others are solely responsible for their emotional state, absolving themselves of any personal accountability.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Let Go & Let God Do It: 06-22-2026

  1. Fear and doubt might be keeping you stuck on some negative as it. Instead, have hope and faith in the Light of God to free you from identifying with it.
  2. You might believe that if you stop focusing on some negative, then it will sneak up on you and get you. However, by allowing fear to focus on you on it, it already has you.
  3. You might believe that if you don’t focus from inside some negative, then you will never get rid of it. However, detaching from it so you can ditch it is the only way it will ever be gone.
  4. As long as you are focusing from within some negative, it does not matter if you overwhelm it with positive thoughts or negative judgments; you will not change it and will remain focused and attached to it.
  5. If you can’t or won’t surrender your negative thoughts and emotions to God, then you are still holding onto them for ego payoffs. Letting go and allowing God to take over can bring a sense of relief and peace.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Ego & Spiritual Life Are Oil & Water: 06-21-2024

  1. You cannot feed your ego and soul the same food.
  2. The feelings you enjoy and seek can work for your ego or spiritual life, not both.
  3. Have you ever wondered about the nature of ego? It's fascinating how both the spiritual and material egos operate in the same way, albeit with different aims of superiority.
  4. If you find your spiritual journey lacking in depth or failing to draw you closer to the divine, pause and ponder: How much attention do you lavish on your material and spiritual egos? Could this be the root of the issue?
  5. Imagine thoughts that pander to your ego as a slow-acting toxin, stealthily sapping the life force from your spiritual journey. They’re like insidious weeds, growing unnoticed and suffocating the vibrancy of your spiritual garden.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

People Cannot Supply You: 06-20-2024

  1. No person can find faith from people, but all people can find faith from God.
  2. No person can find hope from people, but all people can find hope from God.
  3. No person can find charity from people, but all people can find charity from God.
  4. No person can find truth from people, but all people can find truth from God.
  5. No person can find peace from people, but all people can find peace from God.
  6. No person needs approval from people, but all people need approval from God.
  7. No person can find justice from people, but all people can find justice from God.
  8. No person can find freedom from people, but all people can find freedom from God.
  9. No person can find acceptance from people, but all people can find acceptance from God.
  10. No person can find forgiveness from people, but all people can find forgiveness from God.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Self Is Not This: 06-19-2024

  1. The self is not the heart (energy hosting) because the heart exists in the self as a part of it but not as all of it.
  2. The self is not the soul (sensation hosting) because the soul exists in the self as a part of it but not as all of it.
  3. The self is not the mind (knowledge hosting) because the mind exists as a part of the self but not as all of it.
  4. The self is not the awareness, consciousness, or focus it uses to interact with life because that awareness serves its master, the self, and is, therefore, separate from it.
  5. The self is not the body because the self remains unchanged by bodily changes; only the ego changes when the body changes.
  6. The self is not the heart, soul, or mind because changes in the contents of the heart, soul, or mind do not change the heart, soul, or mind, but only the ego.
  7. The self is an internal vessel made in God’s image, so it has heart, soul, and mind functions. When alive, the self also has awareness, consciousness, or focus. The human vessel can host God, not be God.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

How To Be Superior: 06-18-2024

  1. People want to believe they are superior to please their ego (self-esteem); therefore, people compare themselves downward, not upward.
  2. It is unpopular today to claim superiority based on race; however, it is still popular to claim superiority based on class, which is often mislabeled as racism.
  3. It’s a paradoxical human trait to want to assert our superiority over others. We might even claim we’re better because we’re more compassionate, humble, or modest. This ironic twist in our quest for superiority is a fascinating aspect of human behavior.
  4. People in the West use a variety of comparisons to claim superiority, including beauty, character, class, culture, diction, education, elocution, fame, fortune, hipness, intelligence, knowledge, looks, performance, personality, popularity, religion, spirituality, style, vocabulary, and more; however, few now use the once widely accepted and often preferred race comparison.
  5. People have become adept at projecting an image of superiority. They do this through various means, such as associating with the superior, feigning superiority, undergoing cosmetic procedures, assuming superior roles and titles, imitating the superior, hiding behind masks of superiority, seeking authority and power, seeking superior positions at corporations and institutions, using disguises or pretenses to appear to be richer or more popular than they are, and even resorting to fraud. This comprehensive list of methods highlights the extent to which people go to appear better than others.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Cognitive Restructuring Involves the 3Rs: 06-17-2024

  1. Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-abusive and self-harming thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
  2. Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-damaging and self-destructive thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
  3. Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-defeating and counterproductive thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
  4. Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-discouraging and self-disturbing thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.
  5. Cognitive restructuring (CBT & REBT) involves recognizing, removing, and replacing self-sabotaging, counterproductive, and ineffective thinking with coping or problem-solving thinking, depending on the situation.

For more on the 3Rs, please read Problem Solved! 3Rs.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Energy Is Unknowable: 06-16-2024

  1. Faith in God is living in, by, and for Energy.
  2. Science is lost when trying to know Energy.
  3. We cannot know the means or methods of Energy.
  4. We cannot know the dimensions or limits of Energy.
  5. Energy is impenetrable, incomprehensible, indestructible, invisible, unassailable, unfathomable, unidentifiable, unknowable, and beyond human means and methods.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Whatever You Do, It Is Not It (GS): 06-15-2024

  1. Categorizing it is not it.
  2. Comparing it is not it.
  3. Damning it is not it.
  4. Defining it is not it.
  5. Describing it is not it.
  6. Examining it is not it.
  7. Judging it is not it.
  8. Labeling it is not it.
  9. Naming it is not it.
  10. Saying it is not it.
  11. Speaking it is not it.
  12. Studying it is not it.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Sensations Are Insufficient (GS): 06-14-2024

  1. Trying with sensations is failing with sensations.
  2. Try to think with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough.
  3. Try to feel with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough.
  4. Try to act with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough.
  5. Try to remember with sensations; discover that sensations are not enough. 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Words Are Insufficient (GS): 06-13-2024

  1. Trying with words is failing with words.
  2. Try to think with words; discover that words are not enough.
  3. Try to feel with words; discover that words are not enough.
  4. Try to act with words; discover that words are not enough.
  5. Try to remember with words; discover that words are not enough.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Life Exists Without You: 06-12-2024

  1. Everything that is known is known without you.
  2. Everything that is done is done without you.
  3. Everything that exists, exists without you.
  4. When you claim to know, you objectify (destroy) what is known through you.
  5. When you claim to do, you objectify (destroy) what is done through you.
  6. When you claim to be something, you objectify (destroy) yourself.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

You Must Do Good: 06-11-2024

  1. Doing good to receive more good is acceptable.
  2. Doing good to give good is good because it helps you and others.
  3. Doing good to share good is good because it helps you and others.
  4. Doing good to spread good is highly good because it serves good twice.
  5. Doing good to receive praise is foolish because you lose your reward in Heaven.

Monday, June 10, 2024

You Talk to Your Mind, Not Others (GS): 06-10-2024

  1. When you insult other people, you insult your opinions about them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
  2. When you damn other people, you damn your ego versions of them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
  3. When you curse other people, you curse your mental objects of them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
  4. When you blame other people, you blame your self-constructions of them because that is what you talk to in your mind.
  5. When you think other people are stupid, you think your self-esteem versions of them are stupid because that is what you talk to in your mind.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Do Not Taste the Soup (GS): 06-09-2024

  1. Your spoon does not taste your soup.
  2. Your praise of the soup does not taste your soup.
  3. Your questions about the soup do not taste your soup.
  4. Your feelings and reactions to the soup do not taste your soup.
  5. Your ideas, images, mental representations, and thoughts about the soup do not taste your soup.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

What Can Your Words Do? (GS): 06-08-2024

  1. What can your words do to energy? Nothing; they will not affect any energies.
  2. What can your words do to the past? Nothing; they will not affect any past events.
  3. What can your words do to sensations? Nothing; they will not affect any sensations.
  4. What can your words do to the highway you are driving on? Nothing; they will have no effect on its condition.
  5. What can your words do to yourself? Nothing; they will not affect you, but they might affect your ego because it is composed of words.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Disaster of Words As Experience (GS): 06-07-2024

  1. The worst experience is words as experience.
  2. The most unreliable experience is words as experience.
  3. Dreams and drugs often produce false experiences, but words always produce false experiences.
  4. When you falsely regard words as experience, you can be immune to facts, reason, and results checking.
  5. You go to college to receive words as experience; however, I suggest you don’t try that when juggling butcher knives.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Overcome Emotional Decisions: 06-06-2024

  1. Facts rarely overcome emotional decisions.
  2. Reason rarely overcomes emotional decisions.
  3. Reality-checking rarely overcomes emotional decisions.
  4. Results examinations rarely overcome emotional decisions.
  5. Stronger emotions often overcome emotional decisions.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Self-Disturbing Reactions: 06-05-2024

  1. Your hating something is often more disturbing than what you are hating.
  2. Your anger about something is often more distressing than what you are angry about.
  3. Your irritation about something is often more irritating than what you are irritated about.
  4. Your annoyance about something is often more annoying than what you are annoyed about.
  5. Your indignation about something is often more bothersome than what you are indignant about.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Limits of Science: 06-04-2024

Definition: Science is the observation, description, identification, experimental examination, theoretical interpretation, and testable predictions of natural phenomena.

  1. Science is an add-on to life.
  2. Life is neither scientific nor composed of science.
  3. God is not in the domain of science because God exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.
  4. Love is not in the domain of science because love exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.
  5. Virtue is not in the domain of science because virtue exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.
  6. Mysticism is not in the domain of science because virtue exists outside and beyond natural phenomena.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Do the Work, Not the Results: 06-03-2024

  1. You have been given the power to do some work; enjoy performing it without any expectations.
  2. Your task is to perform your talents; your task is not to control the results of your performances.
  3. You have been given power to do some work; however, you have not been given power over the work results.
  4. You have been given the power to do some work; therefore, you must do that work, whatever the results, or fail for not performing it.
  5. You have the right to your talents because they are a gift from God; however, you have no right to the results of using those talents because they depend on the story of life.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

God Is The Only Value: 06-02-2024

  1. You have no value other than serving the Good because all value comes from the Good.
  2. You have nothing to offer God because anything good you do comes from God through you.
  3. You naturally want to serve destruction; every impulse you have to serve life and liberty comes from God.
  4. You can have only gratitude and praise for the Good because all the good in your life comes from the Good.
  5. You have nothing to develop or improve about yourself because you are made of and seek destruction; therefore, you must seek the only source of life and liberty: God.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Move Forward Two Steps: 06-01-2024

  1. If you are moving in the right direction, you only need to keep going.
  2. If you are moving in the wrong direction, you must recognize it, remove it, and replace it with the right direction.
  3. How do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Are you claiming to be good less and praising God as the only good more?
  4. How do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Are you trying to appear good less and praising God as the only good more?
  5. How do you know if you are moving in the right direction? Are you trying to be good less and relying on God as the only source for the good more?