Wednesday, July 3, 2024

How To Provide for Destruction: 07-03-2024

  1. War provides excuses for destruction.
  2. Political power provides protection for destruction.
  3. Authority, control, and power provide the means for destruction.
  4. Position, prestige, and privilege provide the cover for destruction.
  5. Idealism, idealization, political fantasies, quixotism, romanticism, and utopianism provide fuel for destruction.
  6. Agencies, bureaucracies, committees, organizations, and procedure manuals provide directions for destruction.
  7. Accreditation, authorization, certification, degrees, diplomas, endorsements, licensure, tenure, and titles provide masks for destruction.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Host Oneness, Not Claim It: 07-02-2024

  1. When you find yourself one with your body, you have that experience until you claim it.
  2. I host the experience of oneness, not as something to know, do, or be, but as a liberating state of being.
  3. When you feel one with your body, it’s like being engrossed in a great film. You’re fully present in the experience, but you don’t claim to be the film itself.
  4. When you eat a good meal and quietly enjoy it, you have no sense of self, but you still don’t think you are the meal. The same is true of experiences of oneness; you have them.
  5. You feel one with your environment and identify with the experience as allness, emptiness, enlightenment, and oneness. But it is just the natural experience of living absorbed in experiences that will continue without you and you without them.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Experience Oneness: 07-01-2024

  1. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without identity.
  2. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are awareness without claiming to be what you experience.
  3. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are a tranquil oasis, proving your capacity to relax and accept peace.
  4. Experiences of emptiness and oneness are a liberation from ownership, an awareness without claiming to be something.
  5. Experiences of emptiness and oneness come naturally, like a gentle breeze, when your ego is asleep, and you’re not identifying with anything.