Saturday, August 31, 2024

Winners Vs. Losers: 08-31-2024

  1.  Winners have results, and losers have excuses.
  2. Winners have wins, and losers have justifications.
  3. Winners have achievements, and losers have defenses.
  4. Winners have successes, and losers have explanations.
  5. Winners have victories, and losers have rationalizations.
  6. Winners have struggles and too much work time, and losers have thwarted expectations and too much relaxation time.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Don’t Identify with Thinking Habits: 08-30-2024

  1. Don’t identify with lazy thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
  2. Don’t identify with sloppy thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
  3. Don’t identify with greedy thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
  4. Don’t identify with primitive thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.
  5. Don’t identify with covetous or lustful thinking because it is not you, and when you think it is, it becomes part of your ego that you must defend.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Inferiority Is a Choice: 08-29-2024

  1. Waiting a long time for someone does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  2. Being fired from a job because of incompetence does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  3. Seeing others perform better than you at the same tasks does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  4. Having a spouse cheat on you despite your not ignoring their needs does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  5. Having someone ghost you (disappear from your life) after repeatedly telling you how wonderful you were does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Self-Esteem Is a Disease: 08-28-2024

  1. Self-esteem is a cancer of the mind.
  2. Self-esteem is death by a thousand cuts of self-constructions.
  3. Self-esteem is corruption into a Frankenstein monster composed of the bodies of the self-constructions of imaginary others.
  4. Self-esteem induces madness by having you believe you have thousands of selves over time by using self-constructions as selves.
  5. Self-esteem uses parts and pieces from many persons, places, things, and events to create robotic mental objects designed to remove and replace you.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Self-Esteem Cannot Do Anything: 08-27-2024

  1. The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are never did anything.
  2. The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are can do nothing.
  3. The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are will never do anything.
  4. The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are, are not magical beings with supernatural powers.
  5. The things self-esteem (ego) claims you are have no abilities or powers that allow them to affect anything.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Ways to Murder Yourself: 08-26-2024

  1. Self-esteem is death from freezing yourself as endless self-constructions.
  2. Self-esteem is death from starving yourself, while endless self-constructions eat your life force.
  3. Self-esteem is death from dehydrating yourself, while endless self-constructions absorb your water (energy).
  4. Self-esteem is death from lack of self-care, while diseases such as the endless cancer of self-constructions devour you.
  5. Self-esteem is death from depriving yourself of rest so that your life becomes regretful, weary, and shrivels from endless self-construction battles.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Self-Esteem Is Death: 08-25-2024

  1. Self-esteem is death because it slays you with thought-things.
  2. Self-esteem is death because it murders you with mental objects.
  3. Self-esteem is death because it massacres you with self-constructions.
  4. Self-esteem is death because it assassinates you with behaviors and habits.
  5. Self-esteem is death because it butchers you with definitions, descriptions, categorizations, and comparisons.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Self-Esteem Is a Prison: 08-24-2024

  1. Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into mental objects.
  2. Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into being something.
  3. Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into trying to be something instead of living as a being.
  4. Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into being this or that, closing all doors to other options and worlds.
  5. Self-esteem is a prison because it locks you into mental objects that limit and narrow your experiences, feelings, and responses.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Keep Your Goals Positive: 08-23-2024

  1. Don’t have a goal to anger others with your anger.
  2. Don’t have a goal to worry others with your worries.
  3. Don’t have a goal to stress others with your stressors.
  4. Don’t have a goal to annoy others with your annoyances.
  5. Don’t have a goal to depress others with your depression.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Common Internal Superstitions: 08-22-2024

  1. People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by fearing they will do things they cannot do.
  2. People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by expecting them to do things they cannot do.
  3. People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by hoping and praying they will do things they cannot do.
  4. People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by being angry at them for doing things they could never do.
  5. People treat feelings and thoughts as spirits by having faith and trust in them to do things they cannot do.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hosting Is Our Best Offer: 08-21-2024

  1. There has only ever been one good person: the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the only one who lived without sinning despite being born of sin (flesh, matter, not Spirit) using His own will.
  2. My value is that I can host the good. My problem is that I am inclined to host the bad and resist the good.
  3. Here is a method by which I can do the good of hosting the good in two steps: I am drawn to the good by the good and inhabited by the good.
  4. Here is a method by which I can do the good of hosting the good in three steps: the good has me wait to be drawn by the good, I am drawn to the good by the good, and the good inhabits me.
  5. When born again of the Spirit, we will be inclined to host the good and to resist the bad. Hence, our value will increase because we will seek God of our own accord and lovingly host Him, too.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Regain Control from Chattering Mind: 08-20-2024

  1. When you recognize your chattering mind is in control, ask it whom it is talking for and what for.
  2. When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, ask if it expects you to take it seriously and why.
  3. When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, switch to prayers, psalms, songs, or repeating God is good, God is great.
  4. When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, ask it to demonstrate or prove its positive results, and if it can’t, go silent.
  5. When you recognize that your chattering mind is in control, redirect your attention and focus to performing or planning tasks that help yourself and others.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Chattering Mind Is Wrong Mind: 08-19-2024

  1. Your chattering mind is always wrong.
  2. Prove it to yourself by trying to find thought being responsible for causing anything in real time.
  3. Prove it to yourself by comparing the results of listing to your intuition versus your chattering mind.
  4. Prove it to yourself by comparing the results of listening to your quiet mind (Energy) versus your chattering mind.
  5. When you have two options or two possible answers on a test, first ask your chattering mind to pick, then choose the other one because it will be right. Test this.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Refuse to Be Reduced to Events: 08-18-2024

  1. Self-esteem reduces you to an internal event as an active mental object.
  2. You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one tired of them.
  3. You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one curious about them.
  4. You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one angry and anxious about them.
  5. You are not internal reactions or responses because you are the one analyzing and examining them.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Faith in Fear Is Faith in Failure: 08-17-2024

  1. Cowardice is faith in failure.
  2. The fear of death is the fear of failing to please God.
  3. Face the coming failure and ask God to intervene and help you.
  4. Switch from cowardice and fear to requesting life and help from God.
  5. Apologize for trusting in the fear of failure and not asking God for help (delivered as He sees fit).

Friday, August 16, 2024

Small Gifts of Happiness Matter: 08-16-2024

  1. Whatever work you do, you can bring a little happiness into the lives of others as you work.
  2. Wherever life leads you, spread happiness to others with simple acts of comfort or kindness.
  3. Whatever your challenges in life, don’t forget to contribute something to the individuals you encounter.
  4. Wherever you find yourself, you can bring a little happiness into the lives of others with humor, inspiration, or kindness.
  5. Wherever you go and encounter people, be sure to spread little seeds of happiness with humor, inspiration, or kindness. Those seeds will encourage more seeds to be planted.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Nothing Left But God: 08-15-2024

  1. Be so humble that there is nothing left inside but God.
  2. Be so dependent upon God that there is nothing left but God.
  3. Use your suffering to dissolve yourself until there is nothing left but God.
  4. Be so egoless, self-esteem-less, and selfless that there is no awareness left but of God.
  5. Confess your evil human nature until you hate your life as a human being so much that there is nothing left but God.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Culture Is Shared Values: 08-14-2024

  1. Culture is the values (such as “go the extra mile”) that are regularly admired and encouraged in a society.
  2. Culture is the values (such as “strive for excellence in all things”) that get regularly promoted and rewarded in a society.
  3. Culture is the values (such as “do as little as necessary to get by”) that parents, family, friends, and acquaintances discuss, provide examples for, and openly agree upon.
  4. Culture is the values that produce a civilization’s strength and results, such as its contributions to virtue, philosophy, education, medicine, the arts, and science.
  5. Cultures decline when their values are ridiculed, abandoned, and replaced during education, training, social discourse, and the media (books, movies, the Internet, art, and news).

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Simplify to Predict: 08-13-2024

  1. The greater the complexity, the greater the uncertainty.
  2. The simpler the complexity, the greater the certainty.
  3. An increase in probability reduces the complexity.
  4. A decrease in probability increases the complexity.
  5. The amount of causal information reduces the uncertainty.
  6. The amount of extraneous information can increase the uncertainty.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Be Where You Are: 08-12-2024

  1. Here is; somebody isn’t.
  2. Here is here, not somebody.
  3. There is nobody here, just here.
  4. Place and space are; somebody isn’t.
  5. Space and place is here, not somebody.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Receiving Keeps You Humble: 08-11-2024

  1. There is no rush when you are receiving as a vessel.
  2. There is no struggle when you are receiving as a vessel.
  3. There is no impatience when you are receiving as a vessel.
  4. There is no competition when what you supply comes from the source.
  5. There is no trying or not trying anything when you don’t know where the energy and inspiration is coming from or going to.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Receiving Keeps You Free: 08-10-2024

  1. There is no objectifying anyone when you are receiving as a vessel.
  2. There is no claiming anything when you are receiving as a vessel.
  3. There is no trying anything when you are receiving as a vessel.
  4. There is no becoming anything when you are receiving as a vessel.
  5. There is no appearing as anything when you are receiving as a vessel.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Unguided Human Nature Destroys: 08-09-2024

  1. To act deranged is to act with unguided human nature.
  2. To act unhinged is to act with unguided human nature.
  3. We act self-defeatingly when we act with unguided human nature.
  4. We act self-disturbingly when we act with unguided human nature.
  5. To be not right in the head, out of one’s mind, and stark raving mad only requires that you follow undirected, unguided, and unmanaged human nature.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

You Cannot Serve Two Masters: 08-08-2024

  1. While hosting fears and doubts, I cannot host faith and hope.
  2. While hosting envy and resentment, I cannot host humility, love, and spiritual surrender.
  3. While hosting whining, blaming, and damning, I cannot host patience, peace, and purity.
  4. While hosting feelings, intentions, and thoughts of revenge, I cannot host feelings, intentions, and thoughts of forgiveness and understanding.
  5. While hosting pride and feelings of superiority based on claims to know, do, or be better than others, I cannot host feelings and intentions of equity, fairness, and justice.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Negative Gifts, Positive Rewards: 08-07-2024

  1. When you have to redo something, be sure to make improvements.
  2. When something goes wrong, it is an opportunity to do it better and learn.
  3. Errors, mishaps, and mistakes are opportunities to learn and develop new methods and improve skills.
  4. Errors, mishaps, and mistakes should not be opportunities to play ego games with yourself and others.
  5. Errors, mishaps, and mistakes should not be opportunities to engage in the blame game, go on witch hunts, seek scapegoats, and whine blame and damn because such is likely the cause of the problems and will create new problems.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Be Careful What You Own As Self: 08-06-2024

  1. Don’t let destructive and self-defeating feelings claim to be you and your emotions and feelings.
  2. Don’t let destructive and pessimistic intentions claim to be you and your desires, goals, and plans.
  3. Don’t let destructive and gloomy thoughts claim to be you and your beliefs, ideas, and opinions.
  4. Don’t let destructive and foolish attitudes claim to be you and your attitudes, outlooks, and viewpoints.
  5. Don’t let destructive and negative behaviors and habits claim to be you and your reactions and responses.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Seek to Amplify the Good: 08-05-2024

  1. Seek to be hosting and sharing the good.
  2. Seek to be hosting and amplifying the good.
  3. Seek to be following the good (virtue), not your mind.
  4. Always ask yourself what you are under because you are always under something, and that is what you are serving.
  5. You are fortunate because you can follow the good when it leads you; you are unfortunate because you will follow flesh (death, darkness, destruction, deception) unless virtue calls you.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Spiritual Poverty Is Inside: 08-04-2024

  1. Spiritual poverty means you don’t own anything inside.
  2. Spiritual poverty means you don’t claim anything inside.
  3. Spiritual poverty means you don’t try to do anything inside.
  4. Spiritual poverty means you don’t try to become anything inside.
  5. Spiritual poverty means you don’t try to appear as anything inside.
  6. Spiritual poverty means you surrender everything inside to God.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Receiving Must Be Your Focus: 08-03-2024

  1. Pray to receive knowing, doing, and being, not to have them as your own.
  2. Treat everything inside you as received, not caused or created by you; then switch to good from evil.
  3. Don’t pray to be good, kind, or patient; pray to follow God’s goodness, kindness, and patience.
  4. While we cannot know, do, or be the good, we can be under the Good knowing, doing, and being the Good.
  5. When you find the destructive negative in your heart, soul, mind, or body, repent and ask God to replace it with the curative and healthy positive.
  6. You are a receiving and resending vessel; therefore, treat all you experience inside as received. This will empower you to refute, return, and refuse the destructive.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Narratives Or Naturals?: 08-02-2024

  1. You will awaken from a dream world when you drop self-esteem for direct experiencing.
  2. You cannot live in stories; however, you prefer narratives to natural life because your ego does.
  3. You can have the ego claiming to know or have your sensing experiencing the moment, but not both simultaneously.
  4. When you wake up from self-talk and find yourself directly experiencing again, the ego wants to claim it for pride, so you fall back into the sleep of thought.
  5. What are illusions and delusions made of but thought? You are not living in illusions or delusions with a silent mind but only with an overactive mind, which is the chattering of self-esteem scripts and stories.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Keep It Simple to Keep It: 08-01-2024

  1. What you complicate; you lose.
  2. A complicated life is a story poorly told.
  3. Keep your faith, hope, and charity simple.
  4. Keep your expressions of kindness and love simple.
  5. Keep your experiencing, feeling, intending, thinking, and responding simple.