Friday, September 27, 2024

God Is Happiness: 09-27-2024

  1. God is happiness.
  2. Happiness is found in God.
  3. God is the happiness you seek.
  4. God is the only source of eternal happiness.
  5. Without God, all happiness is fleeting and shallow.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Switch from Whining & Worrying: 09-26-2-2024

  1. Switch from whining and worrying to praying.
  2. Switch from whining and worrying to praising.
  3. Switch from whining and worrying to gratitude.
  4. Switch from whining and worrying to planning and problem-solving.
  5. Switch from whining and worrying, which wastes time and energy and causes self-disturbance, to practices that help you enjoy, cope, fix, or switch to something productive.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Self-Constructions Are Buddhists: 09-25-2024

  1. All self-constructions are transitory.
  2. All self-constructions contain no self.
  3. All self-constructions are suffering.
  4. All self-constructions are destruction.
  5. All self-constructions are dead.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Living to Die Insane: 09-24-2024

  1. When you seek fame, you seek death as a semantic object.
  2. When you seek to be known, you seek to die as a semantic object.
  3. When you seek to be recognized, you seek to die as a semantic object.
  4. When you seek authority, influence, or power, you seek to be recognized as dead semantic objects.
  5. When people seek to become semantic objects, how can the world not be insane?
  6. When people value each other as semantic objects, how can the world not be insane?

Monday, September 23, 2024

No Coming and Going for You: 09-23-2024

  1. There is no coming and going for your self.
  2. There is no coming and going for your self because there is no one to come and go.
  3. There is no coming and going for your self because there are no places to come and go to.
  4. There is no coming and going for your self because there is only one place your self can be.
  5. There is no coming and going for your self because there is no movement of the self, only stillness.
  6. There is no coming and going for your self because there is no place to go when the self is emptiness.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Semantic Objects Are Gods: 09-22-2024

  1. Semantic objects are worshiped in place of God.
  2. Semantic objects are internal idols often represented by external idols.
  3. Semantic objects are used for self-worship as positive ego and self-esteem constructions.
  4. External idols are used to recall and remind of internal idols in the form of semantic objects.
  5. Semantic objects claim all the abilities and powers of God while delivering no abilities or powers.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Trying to Be a Source Is Failing: 09-21-2024

  1. Knowing is sourcing.
  2. Surrender knowing for hosting and sharing.
  3. Claiming to know is claiming to be a source.
  4. We are not content to be hosts of the highest, we want to be sources of the highest.
  5. We claim to know like gods because we want to be considered as sources like gods.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Absence of Semantic Objects (GS): 09-20-2024

  1. An absence of semantic objects is known as no-self in some circles.
  2. An absence of semantic objects is known as no-mind in some circles.
  3. An absence of semantic objects is known as emptiness in some circles.
  4. An absence of semantic objects is known as empty mind in some circles.
  5. An absence of semantic objects is known as beginner’s mind in some circles.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Make Semantic Objects Nothing: 09-19-2024

  1. Semantic objects require conflict, desire, drama, resistance, or worship. Provide none.
  2. When an event is nothing to you, it cannot become a semantic object for you.
  3. A semantic object fades when you switch your focus from it and keep it switched.
  4. When you unconditionally accept the existence of something, it cannot stay a semantic object.
  5. By despising and disputing semantic objects, you can strip them of their control and power, placing the reins firmly in your hands.
  6. Remember, the key is not to forget but to avoid dwelling excessively on semantic objects and looping on them, as this only serves to feed them. Some memories, however, must be preserved as warnings, helping us maintain a balanced perspective.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Semantic Wars (GS): 09-18-2024

  1. Semantic objects are at war with facts as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
  2. Semantic objects are at war with reality as they try to replace it and make it unimportant.
  3. Semantic objects are at war with your memories as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
  4. Semantic objects are at war with your sensations as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
  5. Semantic objects are at war with your experiences as they try to replace and make them unimportant.
  6. Semantic objects are at war with examples, models, precedences, rules, and standards as they try to replace and make them unimportant.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Hosting Vs. Sourcing: 09-17-2024

  1. We are made to be hosts, not sources.
  2. We seek to be sources (knowing) for pride.
  3. All great ability, art, skill, and talent are received while hosting, not claiming to be a source (knowing).
  4. All great creativity, insights, inspirations, and understandings are received while hosting, not claiming to be a source (knowing).
  5. Whatever helps you to act like a host helps you, and whatever helps you to act like a source hurts you.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Layers Of Semantics Can Defeat (GS): 09-16-2024

  1. Layers of semantics can defeat compassion, kindness, and love.
  2. Layers of semantics can defeat logic, reason, and reality testing.
  3. Layers of semantics can defeat skill, talent, and natural performance.
  4. Layers of semantics can defeat experience, common sense, and training.
  5. Layers of semantics can defeat noble impulses, high ideals, and spiritual principles and reduce one’s responses to robotic destructive reactions.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Seek Freedom from Self-Esteem: 09-15-2024

  1. The liberation to seek is from self-esteem (ego).
  2. Learn to deconstruct self-esteem (ego) to understand how it is delusional and self-defeating.
  3. Become disenchanted with self-esteem by discovering how it is self-serving while betraying you.
  4. Develop dispassion for self-esteem (ego) so you will no longer become involved in self-esteem dramas.
  5. Develop dispassion for the self by recognizing the self as no more and no less than a conscious vessel for God.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Simulating Intelligence Takes Little: 09-14-2024

  1. Computers appearing intelligent is not enough. For example, Gavin Newsom looks and sounds intelligent, so he appears intelligent; however, his policies consistently destroy and make worse almost everything they touch.
  2. AI and actors can become great at mimicking intelligent conversations after enough training and retraining; however, this does not prove that any understanding has occurred.
  3. AI bots and customer service representatives can be trained to say intelligent things at the right time and place; however, this proves an ability to repeat directions, not intelligence or consciousness.
  4. Teachers often sound intelligent when mimicking the intelligence of those under discussion; however, mindlessly repeating intelligent things is not the same as having intelligence, whether done by people or computers.
  5. Meditation is often a practice of increasing consciousness by eliminating and reducing information processing. This demonstrates that data, facts, and information are capable of interrupting, hindering, and limiting consciousness, not of creating consciousness.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Empathy Is Required: 09-13-2024

  1. Empathy is not a luxury but a requirement for living the life of an authentic person.
  2. We must condemn evil actions; however, we must not condemn people as their evil actions.
  3. If you are unable to put yourself in somebody else’s shoes, then you are unable to be human.
  4. If you condemn a person for acting as they did, then you condemn the human race because that act was done by us.
  5. If you cannot understand how another person can act the way they act, then you cannot understand anything about human nature.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Beware the Mirror of Life: 09-12-2024

  1. Do you want your life to look like the mess in your mind?
  2. Do you want to get in the afterlife what your mind gave you in this life?
  3. Do you want your life to mirror the methods you use to manage your mind?
  4. Do you want your life to mirror how you treat yourself and others in your mind?
  5. Do you want your life to mirror your mind’s feelings, intentions, thoughts, plans, and actions?

Be Careful What You Invest In: 09-11-2024

  1. A calm life does not come from worry.
  2. A good life does not come from bad thoughts.
  3. A compassionate life does not come from envy.
  4. A happy life does not come from an angry attitude.
  5. A generous life does not come from greedy practices.
  6. A positive life does not come from a negative outlook.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Semantic Excuses for Failure (GS): 09-10-2024

  1. Limitations and restrictions can be semantic excuses not to learn more.
  2. Obstacles and deficiencies can be semantic excuses not to work harder and longer.
  3. Barriers and challenges can be semantic excuses not to develop and improve skills.
  4. Handicaps and hardships can be semantic excuses not to focus on doing what you can to make progress.
  5. Disadvantages and prejudices can be semantic excuses not to use what you have to gain more to do more.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Failure Is Worth It: 09-09-2024

  1. Failure is a summon to learn and improve methods.
  2. Failure is the fear of the loser and the trial of the winner.
  3. Failure is the excuse to give up or the challenge to press on.
  4. Failure is the temptation to quit and the beckoning to greatness.
  5. Failure is a semantic designation that is permanent and must be rejected permanently.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Self-Esteem Fake People (GS): 09-08-2024

  1. When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can send to work to earn your pay? No, you can’t because they are a pretend person.
  2. When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can send to the store to buy bread and milk? No, you can’t because they are not a real person.
  3. When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can use to care for and babysit your children? No, you can’t because they are a pretend person.
  4. When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can use to wash your dishes and clean your house? No, you can’t because they are a fake person.
  5. When self-esteem talks in your mind about what and who you are, is that someone you can use to paint your house and plant your garden? No, you can’t because they are a bogus person.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Semantic Ghosts (GS): 09-07-2024

  1. Semantic ghosts are not the pain they claim to be and represent.
  2. Semantic ghosts are not the places or things they claim to be and represent.
  3. Semantic ghosts are not the people or persons they claim to be and represent.
  4. Semantic ghosts are not the events or experiences they claim to be and represent.
  5. Semantic ghosts are not the sensing, perceiving, and experiencing they claim to be and represent.

Friday, September 6, 2024

The Swarm: 09-06-2024

  1. What “should be” must be our focus!
  2. What is “not here now” must be our focus!
  3. Who must we blame for what is here now?
  4. Who must we punish for what is here now?
  5. How must we punish them for the greatest effect?
  6. Who must we demand what “should be” from to force it to happen now?

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Who Runs Your Mind?: 09-05-2024

  1. The mind does not free itself, so who does?
  2. The mind does not clear itself, so who does?
  3. The mind does not empty itself, so who does?
  4. The mind does not trouble itself, so who does?
  5. The mind does not imprison itself, so who does?

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

You Are Out of Your Mind: 09-04-2024

  1. You can fight your mind, so you must not be your mind.
  2. You can drug and dull your mind, so you must not be your mind.
  3. You can clear and free your mind, so you must not be your mind.
  4. You can cloud and divide your mind, so you must not be your mind.
  5. You can forget and ignore your mind, so you must not be your mind.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Randomness Is Not Safe Or Secure: 09-03-2024

  1. You would not trust trains created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all life, that a mind supervised their creation.
  2. You would not trust airplanes created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all life, that a mind supervised their creation.
  3. You would not trust automobiles created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all of life, that a mind supervised their creation.
  4. You would not trust ocean cruise ships created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all life, that a mind supervised their creation.
  5. You would not trust electric power tools created through randomness and chance because you want to know, as with all of life, that a mind supervised their creation.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Use a Light Touch: 09-02-2024

  1. A light touch is a silent touch.
  2. A light touch is the right touch.
  3. A light touch is an empty touch.
  4. Have such a light touch with your focus that you disturb nothing with thought.
  5. Make the touch of your attention so light that it is barely discernible and not interfering.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Avoid Talking to Fools: 09-01-2024

  1. There is no point in talking to a fool because they do not intend to learn.
  2. There is no point in talking to a fool because they have no integrity guiding their beliefs.
  3. There is no point in talking to a fool because they have no conscience or memory for what they say.
  4. There is no point in talking to a fool because they will not learn from their mistakes and self-correct.
  5. There is no point in talking to a fool because they do not intend to adapt, adjust, acclimate, or accommodate new information.
  6. There is no point in talking to a fool because their conversations will not be directed by logic or reason but by deception, misinterpretation, and one-upmanship.