Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Different Perspectives: 01-31-2024

  1. The spirit says we share one human nature; the ego says everyone is higher or lower than us.
  2. The spirit says we must serve the One Self; the ego says we must serve ourselves, or no one will.
  3. The spirit says we don’t need anything but God; the ego says the more we have, the more we can be.
  4. The spirit says we must be weak for God to be strong; the ego says we must be strong for others to be weak.
  5. The spirit says we should be nobody and nothing to get out of God’s way; the ego says we must be somebody and something important in the world.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

You Will Serve; Choose Wisely: 01-30-2024

  1. You cannot serve two masters; choose pride or God.
  2. You cannot serve two masters; choose ego (self-esteem) or God.
  3. You cannot serve two masters; choose worldly or spiritual success.
  4. You can often serve God and family or country simultaneously; however, during extreme events, you often must choose one master over all others.
  5. Serving one loyalty can sometimes also serve others. However, not when crucial, defining, or pivotal moments arrive because, in the end, all you have to offer is your loyalty to God.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Pride Blinds: 01-29-2024

  1. Claiming pride is claiming superiority, which is claiming death as something other than a human being.
  2. Pride separates you from God because pride makes claims only God can make. After all, only God is good and a source of good.
  3. Pride separates you from people because pride makes claims for you that all people do not share. They are false claims because we are identical hosts, not creators of or original sources for anything.
  4. Self-pity and envy are forms of pride because they think you are special and deserving of more than your fate. In contrast, the courageous person embraces their fate and rises with it, understanding that all is a gift.
  5. Pride cannot exist without comparison; in God, there is no comparison, only equality of human nature. Yes, God gives different gifts, which can be compared, but the gifts are not the recipients.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Categorical Thinking (GS): 01-28-2024

  1. Want to kill the experience of something? Label it and bury it in a category. The category determines the narrative.
  2. Categorical thinking is typically dualistic and can be improved greatly using a trialistic system and even better using the 5 Thinking Positions (5TP) system.
  3. Labeling is good at killing and removing the possibility of understanding because it curtails, diminishes, and thingifies instead of discovering and exploring.
  4. AI can discover more categorical relationships than humans because it can process more data faster, making it better at chess and some forms of product development.
  5. Categorical thinking mistakes labeling for intelligence and understanding; however, the proof that labeling does not require intelligence is that computers can be trained to do it.
  6. Categorical thinking is good for database development, cross-filing, searching, and sorting; it can help discover relations to other categories in some database formats (entity, relational, not flat).

(Please read Discovery Demands 5TP for more information.)

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Negative Attitudes Are an Infection: 01-27-2024

  1. Your negative attitudes and beliefs demoralize and depress you; why do you want to infect your family and friends with them?
  2. Your negative attitudes and beliefs demoralize and depress you; why do you want to continue to infect yourself with them by giving them time and space?
  3. Negative thinking is helpful when balanced and used by proactive planning; however, negative thinking has a bad reputation because it is often used for its own sake (destruction).
  4. Negative thinking can prevent accidents and injury by leading to caution, planning, and sensibility; however, negative thinking that triggers reasonable anxiety responses cannot be used to guide your responses to an event without negative consequences.
  5. Negative thinking can help you to stop practicing foolish and harmful practices like casual sex, drugging, gambling, overeating, and over-shopping by providing evidence of long-term consequences; however, the negative thinking itself cannot make the right choices for you.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Mind & Body Are Two: 01-26-2024

  1. Most people have experienced times of absorption in which they are lost in their minds and unaware of their bodies or surroundings.
  2. You can have low blood sugar and feel anxious and depressed, so believe your body and mind are one; however, the body is meant to influence the mind, not be it.
  3. Your body often influences the state of your mind; for instance, when you’re physically tired, your mind may feel foggy. However, these instances of influence do not prove that the mind and body are one.
  4. Professionals in sports have often undergone training to push through the wall (your body saying it can’t go any farther) to perform at a higher level because the mind, not being the body, can override the body.
  5. Meditation, yoga, and some esoteric practices often rely on the separation of mind and body to achieve states of being that many describe as a heightened sense of awareness or being outside of the physical body.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Rely On Hosted-Mind, Not Self: 01-25-2024

  1. The execution is the hosted-mind’s, not yours.
  2. Faith in the host-mind to act like the hosted-mind is faith in failure.
  3. Don’t try to be good because that is trying to be the hosted-mind when you are the host-mind.
  4. Don’t claim to be good; believing magical thinking will save the day is another way to try to be the hosted-mind when you are the host-mind.
  5. Don’t try to become better; that is trying to become a better hosted-mind when you are a host-mind that should seek to serve, not be, a better hosted-mind.

(Please read 2 Perform Use 2-Minds for more information.)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Overly Positive: 01-24-2024

  1. A silver lining does not deny the existence of clouds.
  2. A positive interpretation, reframing, or spin does not deny the existence of the bad that happened.
  3. A positive interpretation, reframing, or spin does not justify the existence of the bad that happened.
  4. Pollyannaish thinking can be enjoyable avoidism or escapism; however, it is impractical, misleading, and prevents proactive planning.
  5. People easily think overly negative and positive thoughts but find it difficult to think inside balanced positions or positions slightly favoring one side over the other.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

You Do Not Perform: 01-23-2024

  1. You do not perform; you host performing.
  2. You do not perform; you beam performing.
  3. You do not perform; you share performing.
  4. You do not perform; you rest in performing.
  5. You do not perform; you telecast performing.
  6. You do not perform; you transmit performing.
  7. You do not perform; you broadcast performing.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Hosting Benefits: 01-22-2024

  1. Hosting allows creativity to enter.
  2. Hosting allows intelligence to enter.
  3. Hosting lets the good work through you.
  4. Hosting allows skill and talent to guide you.
  5. Hosting is the beginning of virtue because it makes space for charity, chastity, courage, diligence, faith, forgiveness, fortitude, generosity, hope, humility, justice, kindness, mercy, patience, peace, prudence, selflessness, silence, stillness, temperance, and truthfulness.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Stop Trying: 01-21-2024

  1. Stop trying; start resting on God.
  2. Stop trying; start relying on God.
  3. Stop trying; start returning to God.
  4. Stop trying; start retreating to God.
  5. Stop trying; start refocusing on God.
  6. Stop trying; start remaining under God.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Repeat the Good: 01-20-2024

  1. Focus on focusing.
  2. Listen to listening.
  3. Center on centering.
  4. Go under being under.
  5. Detach from detaching.
  6. Experience experiencing.
  7. Neither turn to the left nor the right (stay on track).

Friday, January 19, 2024

Double the Good: 01-19-2024

  1. Feel feeling.
  2. Sense sensing.
  3. Wait on waiting.
  4. Attend to attention.
  5. Follow out following.
  6. Surrender to surrendering.
  7. Neither turn to the left nor the right (stay on course).

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Do What You Do: 01-18-2024

  1. Rest on resting.
  2. Rely on relying.
  3. Return to returning.
  4. Retreat to retreating.
  5. Remain in remaining.
  6. Refocus on refocusing.
  7. Neither turn to the left nor the right (avoid diversion).

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Better Processes & Outcomes: 01-17-2024

  1. We need better processes and outcomes, and we can get there by using each to improve the other.
  2. Measure your processes and outcomes to improve them wherever possible until improving them becomes wasteful.
  3. When we focus on outcomes alone, we might resort to immoral, environmentally harmful, or foolish means to achieve them, causing long-term problems.
  4. When we focus on processes alone, we might justify failures based on our good intentions and developing good processes; however, intentions are not outcomes, and good processes should produce good results.
  5. You might fail while developing good processes; however, use the failing outcomes to improve your processes; do not lower yourself to blaming or justifying the failures on imaginary social or systemic causes.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Worry Is Friend Or Foe: 01-16-2024

  1. Worry is a warning, not a way of life.
  2. Worry wastes time and energy better spent on problem-solving or proactive planning.
  3. Worry becomes a problem about the problem that is often worse than the original problem.
  4. Measure worry and see if it does not disturb you more than the current or potential disturbance it is about and act accordingly.
  5. Worry can signal you that you need to pay attention to your or other’s processes and outcomes, so stop worrying and learn what you can do.

Monday, January 15, 2024

How to Find Happiness: 01-15-2024

  1. Want to be happy? Choose to accept life.
  2. What to be happy? Choose to forget worry.
  3. Want to be happy? Choose happy thoughts.
  4. Want to be happy? Choose to be grateful often.
  5. Want to be happy? Choose to make others happy.
  6. Want to be happy? Choose to find something to enjoy in most moments.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Look Within: 01-14-2024

  1. Can you find the world of inner silence? If you cannot, you cannot find your heart because it is always silent.
  2. Can you find the world of inner sensations? If you cannot, you cannot find your soul because it is always experiencing sensations.
  3. Can you find the world of inner prayer? If you cannot, you cannot find your mind because it is always praying.
  4. Can you dig deep under pressure to rely on Energy to overcome the odds? If you cannot, you cannot reach greatness.
  5. Can you face adversity, trials, and tribulations with aplomb? If you cannot, you cannot reach Heaven (the other shore).

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Wait for God to Respond: 01-13-2024

  1. Prayer is asking God to respond.
  2. Don’t respond; wait for God to respond.
  3. Your internal response is to wait for God to respond.
  4. Internally, wait for God to respond while holding all in the Light to be exposed and purged by the Light.
  5. When they consist of mental forms, your internal responses must fail because they can do nothing but make noise. 

Friday, January 12, 2024

Find a Positive Focus: 01-12-2024

  1. You can find something positive about almost anyone to focus on; that focus will help you accept and enjoy life.
  2. There’s almost always a silver lining in every situation; focusing on it can enhance your acceptance and enjoyment of life.
  3. By cultivating the habit of seeking the positive, it becomes a natural response, enhancing your overall well-being and happiness.
  4. Every challenge or circumstance has the potential for good; focusing on that potential makes your mind better equipped to cope and find solutions.
  5. You can find positive features in otherwise faulty architecture, art, literature, movies, or neighborhoods to focus on and improve your outlook and appreciation of life.
  6. Looking for the positive in all things is a strategy for happiness that is not meant to replace acknowledging or dealing with problems or evils but to improve acceptance, coping, outlook, problem-solving, and a positive approach to life that can apply most of the time.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Mind Not It (GS): 01-11-2024

  1. The lake in your mind is not wet because it is not a lake.
  2. The snow in your mind is not cold because it is not snow.
  3. The boulder in your mind is not heavy because it is not a boulder.
  4. The beautiful woman in your mind cannot go to the movies with you.
  5. How many examples do you need to stop mistaking your thinking for being what it is about?

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Be At Your Best: 01-10-2024

  1. You are at your best when you are nothing but a receiver.
  2. You are at your best when you are nobody but a transceiver.
  3. You are at your best when you are doing nothing but hosting.
  4. You are at your best when waiting for God to do through you.
  5. You are at your best when you know nothing but sense everything.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Suffering Is Mostly Self-Inflicted: 01-09-2024

  1. Most distress is self-inflicted by worrying about how others will think about you.
  2. Most suffering is self-inflicted by thinking about yourself as negative self-constructions.
  3. Most emotional and psychological pain is self-inflicted because it is ego-based, and you decide what your ego is.
  4. Most disturbed relationships are disturbed by you and others thinking of themselves as negative self-constructions in the relationship.
  5. Most blocks to achievement, learning, and success exist because people think of themselves as negative self-constructions, which leads to apathy, blaming, complaining, damning others, discouragement, dissatisfaction, fear, lack of determination, lack of effort, quitting, resentment, and victimhood.

Monday, January 8, 2024

Intelligence Is Determined By—: 01-08-2024

  1. Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand suffering before you look away.
  2. Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand psychological pain before you look away.
  3. Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand conflict and ugliness before you look away.
  4. Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand discomfort and discordance before you look away.
  5. Intelligence is determined by how long you can stand seeing yourself as foolish and drawn to evil before you look away.
  6. The highest intelligence can stand to look within until the death of the ego and then hell as the ego.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Magic Practice: 01-07-2024

  1. The magic practice is to refocus your focus.
  2. Refocusing your focus seems magical because it works when all else fails.
  3. The magic practice is to refocus your focus because this is often your unrecognized and unused power.
  4. The solution to most psychological problems is to refocus your focus until you generate a new habit.
  5. The magic practice is to refocus your focus because this is your power to control your life by creating better habits.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Know Your Enemy: 01-06-2024

  1. Your battle is not with yourself but with your ego.
  2. Your battle is not with yourself but with somebodies.
  3. Your battle is not with yourself but with your self-constructions.
  4. Your battle is not with yourself but with your thought-things (reified thoughts).
  5. Your battle is not with yourself but with your mind relying on mental objects, thought-things, and self-constructions as more than human thoughts.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Change Your Focus: 01-05-2024

  1. Life is a change of focus.
  2. Coping is a change of focus.
  3. Maturity is a change of focus.
  4. Pleasure is a change of focus.
  5. Perspective-taking is a change of focus.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Control Your Focus, Control Your Life: 01-04-2024

  1. If you want to cope better, then control your focus better.
  2. If you want something to taste better, then control your focus better.
  3. If you want to enjoy movies or music better, then control your focus better.
  4. If you want to lead a mature life, don’t blame your focus on someone else.
  5. If you want to lead a life of integrity, don’t blame your focus on food, media, people, places, sounds, or things.
  6. If you want to lead the best life, switch control of your focus from external events to internal events.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Somebodies Serve Somebodies: 01-03-2024

  1. Somebodies are like politicians; they rarely want to do what you want.
  2. Somebodies are like politicians; they rarely provide the results you want.
  3. Somebodies are like politicians; once you let them in, they serve their own agendas.
  4. Somebodies are like politicians; they promote themselves as your solution but are only a solution for themselves.
  5. Somebodies are like politicians; they serve themselves first, those who serve them second, and those who vote for them last or not at all.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Thus, It Is: 01-02-2024

  1. Thus, it was.
  2. Thus, it is.
  3. Thus, it will be.
  4. Thus, there is no emotion, only peace.
  5. Thus, there is no passion, only serenity.

Monday, January 1, 2024

The Trinity Is in Everyone: 01-01-2024

  1. Do you have experiences, feelings, and thoughts? Do these represent three parts inside you?
  2. Does your God have experiences, feelings, and thoughts? Do these represent three parts inside your God?
  3. Do you have a heart, soul, and mind? Do these represent three parts inside you?
  4. Does your God have a heart, soul, and mind? Do these represent three parts inside your God?
  5. We are made in the image of God because, like God, we have a heart, soul, and mind, just as Jesus spoke of them in the Bible (Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27).