Saturday, May 11, 2024

Talk to Your Awareness: 05-11-2024

  1. Talk to your awareness as your being because it is the energy of your life.
  2. Talk to your inner silence as your being because it is at the center of your inner living vessel.
  3. Talk to egolessness as a state of being to encourage and support it so that you experience it more.
  4. Talk to yourself talking to yourself to gain perspective on your self-talk’s intentions and strategies.
  5. Talk to your self-talk and follow it out so that it is exposed as ego talk and rejected and replaced with prayer.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Spirituality Is Serving God: 05-10-2024

  1. Spiritual people seek to be selfless so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  2. Spiritual people seek to be formless so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  3. Spiritual people seek to be un-carved so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  4. Spiritual people seek to be out of the way so they might serve God completely and exclusively.
  5. Spiritual people seek to be nobody and nothing so they might serve God completely and exclusively.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Reject All Objectification of People: 05-09-2024

  1. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as descriptions, designations, labels, names, terms, and titles.
  2. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as categories, classes, classifications, kinds, groups, and types.
  3. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as appraisals, assessments, comparisons, evaluations, and measurements.
  4. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as the ego, self-esteem, self-concepts, self-images, and self-constructions.
  5. Spiritual people reject all objectifying of people as accomplishments, achievements, actions, deeds, performances, and successes.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Self-Talk You Can Stop Now: 05-08-2024

  1. I hear you talking inside me, but why do you insist on talking to me when I don’t want to talk to you?
  2. I hear you talking inside me, but why should I listen to you or take you seriously when you are an invited quest?
  3. I hear you talking inside me, but what is so important that you must interrupt and distract me from what I am doing?
  4. I hear you knocking, but you can’t come in because you waste my time and disturb my peace of mind every time you do.
  5. I hear you talking inside me, but the fact that you are talking does not mean either that you are me or that I am doing your talking.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Challenge Self-Talk: 05-07-2024

  1. I hear you talking inside me, but who are you?
  2. I hear you talking inside me, but what are your intentions?
  3. I hear you talking inside me, but who do you think you are talking to?
  4. I hear you talking inside me, but how did you get permission to speak?
  5. I hear you talking inside me, but what do you want, and why do you want it?

Monday, May 6, 2024

Spiritual People Reject Much: 05-06-2024

  1. Spiritual people reject all objectifying people as good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  2. Spiritual people reject all claiming to be good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  3. Spiritual people reject all trying to be good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  4. Spiritual people reject all becoming good because they give all credit and praise to God.
  5. Spiritual people reject all appearing as good because they give all credit and praise to God.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Spiritual & Material Ego: 05-05-2024

  1. The spiritual ego functions like the material ego but with different comparisons and measurements.
  2. The spiritual ego is when people identify as self-constructions based on spiritual ideals, goals, and values.
  3. The material ego is when people identify as self-constructions based on material ideals, goals, and values.
  4. Those with a spiritual ego can be directed as easily as those with a material ego simply by giving them different ways to serve society that sound spiritual instead of material.
  5. The spiritual and material egos are the same because both consist of self-constructions, which refer to the mental and emotional objects that individuals hold about themselves based on their experiences, beliefs, and values.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Soul Is Not Like Ego: 05-04-2024

  1. You cannot serve your ego and soul in the same way because they require different shops.
  2. You cannot supply your ego and soul in the same way because they require different stores.
  3. You cannot support your ego and soul in the same way because they require different stocks.
  4. You cannot sustain your ego and soul in the same way because they require different storage.
  5. You cannot suckle your ego and soul in the same way because they require different supplies.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Thinking Has Limits: 05-03-2024

  1. Thinking can’t begin to measure the uselessness of thinking.
  2. Thinking can only prove that thinking cannot prove anything.
  3. Thinking has its proper time and place, but it rarely limits itself to being useful.
  4. Thinking is often static, which indicates you need to tune in your awareness, focus, or senses better.
  5. Thinking can drone on endlessly, so some practical people have turned this penchant for repetition into chanting, contemplation, meditation, and prayer.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Stop Living Under a Cloud: 05-02-2024

  1. Your whining becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  2. Your blaming others becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  3. Your damning others becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  4. Your waiting to be rescued becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.
  5. Your waiting for others to change becomes a cloud that blocks your ability to receive intelligence and proper direction.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Pride Loves Being Right: 05-01-2024

  1. People are addicted to being right even when they are wrong.
  2. People are addicted to proving others wrong, even when others are right.
  3. The pride of thinking you are right can stimulate and motivate people more than the most potent drug addictions.
  4. Combine the addiction to being right with the gambling addiction. You will be willing to sacrifice anyone and everything to win.
  5. How many marriages, business partnerships, and relationships have failed because people refuse to admit they are wrong or stop trying to prove the other party wrong?

Visit Your Host Nature: 04-30-2024

  1. Become drowned in the presence of your host nature.
  2. Become engrossed in the existence of your host nature.
  3. Become immersed in the awareness of your host nature.
  4. Become submerged in the consciousness of your host nature.
  5. Become enthralled in the experience of having direct contact with your host nature.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Stillness From Silence: 04-29-2024

  1. Who can be still but the one with no self to be moved?
  2. Who can be still but the one who is nothing, leaving nothing to be moved?
  3. Who can be still but the one who is empty so, without anything to be moved?
  4. Who can be still but the one who is nobody with no self-constructions to be disturbed?
  5. Are you a little plant shaken by any wind or a boulder steadfast even during winds from a storm?

Sunday, April 28, 2024

To Host Or Not to Host: 04-28-2024

  1. There is no “seeing it” because you can only see it if you host it.
  2. There is no “getting it” because you can only get it if you host it.
  3. You never realize anything; however, many things can be realized inside when you are empty and open.
  4. You never figure out anything; however, many unknown things can be figured out inside you when you are content to be the host.
  5. You cannot understand anything independently because all intelligence comes from God; however, you can host God’s knowing regarding many things beyond your experience.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Never Say Never: 04-27-2024

  1. The infinite never ends.
  2. The perfect never lacks.
  3. The faultless never fails.
  4. The immortal never ceases.
  5. The unwavering never doubts.
  6. The incorruptible never corrupts.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Beyond Harm: 04-26-2024

  1. Truth cannot be damaged.
  2. Truth cannot be conquered.
  3. Ideals cannot be damaged.
  4. Ideals cannot be overthrown.
  5. Eternity cannot be damaged.
  6. Eternity cannot be exhausted.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Measurement Is Not the Measured: 04-25-2024

  1. You cannot capture spirit, so fools say spirit does not exist.
  2. You cannot think of the divine, so fools say the divine does not exist.
  3. You cannot measure the measureless, so fools say the measureless does not exist.
  4. You cannot see energy, but even fools know it must exist. Fools say you can prove the existence of energy by its effects. Of course, this is how deists also prove the existence of God.
  5. You cannot find things when you look for virtues, so fools have trouble explaining and understanding their existence and propose absurdities when claiming virtues are needed without God.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

You Cannot Compare the Incomparable: 04-24-2024

  1. The changing cannot understand the changeless.
  2. Eternal truths cannot fit inside human words because human words are not eternal.
  3. God is unfailing but all human systems fail; therefore, it is impossible for human systems even to approach God.
  4. Idols are material things, and spiritual ideals are not things; therefore, idols can only represent material beauty, not spiritual beauty.
  5. No human thought can touch or point to divinity, eternity, or spirit because human thoughts can only point to other human thoughts or material things.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Opinions Are Only One Tool: 04-23-2024

  1. If you understand the purpose of opinions as providing information for immediate decisions and choices, then you understand that opinions are only useful in certain contexts and situations.
  2. Opinions should be avoided when discovering, examining, exploring, inquiring, investigating, questioning, learning, problem-solving, researching, searching, seeking understanding, and any process that requires an open mind to function properly.
  3. Opinions, being fixed in nature, require constant correcting and updating of the information they are based on. This means that when new information becomes available, it should be used to revise those opinions, ensuring they remain practical and useful.
  4. Opinions are not the same as facts. Opinions are shortcuts for quick responses and should not be regarded as the thinking processes they are based on or the events or subjects they are about. Facts, on the other hand, are objective and verifiable pieces of information.
  5. Opinions get a bad name because people hide behind them rather than do the necessary work to uncover enough facts and information to form reasonable understandings of events that are open to correction and updating over time. It is better to say, “I don’t know,” than to use someone else’s opinion as if you formed it.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Spiritual Ego Is Material Ego: 04-22-2024

  1. It is a dangerous process to give up your material ego for a spiritual ego because a spiritual ego is much harder to give up because it is pleasing to everyone but God.
  2. Your material and spiritual egos are both yourself as opinions, the difference being what the opinions are about, typically people (material) and ideals (spiritual).
  3. Spiritual paths will encourage you to give up your ego as opinions about people and to switch to accepting your ego as opinions about God, ideals, life, nature, oneness, the world, or the universe.
  4. The spiritual and material egos are yourself as self-constructions, and self-constructions can be understood as mental objects, opinions, reified thoughts, and thought-things, but not as human beings.
  5. The main difference between the spiritual and material egos is that the material ego concerns concrete things in your life, while the spiritual ego concerns abstract things that encompass life or a part of life.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Ego Is Disguised As Concern: 04-21-2024

  1. Your concern for others is your concern for how they think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  2. Your concern for yourself is your concern for how you think of yourself, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  3. Your concern for society is your concern for how society will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  4. Your concern for the world is your concern for how the world will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions).
  5. Your concern for your family and friends is your concern for how they will think of you, which is concern for your ego (self-constructions). 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Ego Must Be Right: 04-20-2024

  1. There is no need to be right except for the ego because negotiating requires correcting and updating information.
  2. There is no need to be right except for the ego because understanding requires correcting and updating information.
  3. There is no need to be right except for the ego because problem-solving requires correcting and updating information.
  4. There is no need to be right except for the ego because perspective-taking requires correcting and updating information.
  5. There is no need to be right except for the ego because correcting and updating information is always required when processing human information.

Friday, April 19, 2024

The Ego Is the Center of Delusions: 04-19-2024

  1. The ego’s demand to be at the center makes your life delusions and a dream because life is never about your ego.
  2. The ego’s demand to be at the center cripples and distorts your relationships because everything is not about your ego.
  3. The ego’s demand to be at the center distorts your understanding of life because God, not the ego, is at the center of life.
  4. The ego’s demand to be at the center distorts your self-narratives and self-talk because you cannot always be the main focus, even in your petty problems.
  5. The ego’s demand to be at the center eliminates the possibility for you to be authentic, genuine, natural, real, and spontaneous because the ego is composed of dead things (self-constructions) that must be maintained as living things (fake selves and spirits).

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Stop Seeking Ego Consciousness: 04-18-2024

  1. What people call self-consciousness is ego consciousness.
  2. When people say they are seeking themselves, they are usually seeking a better ego.
  3. When people say they are finding themselves, they are usually finding variations of their ego.
  4. When people say they are bettering themselves, they mean they are learning to appear better for the sake of their ego.
  5. If people were seeking themselves, they would seek themselves as nobody and nothing in the material world and as living hosts in the spiritual world.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Ego Is Its Own Corruption: 04-17-2024

  1. Ego corrupts; absolute ego corrupts absolutely.
  2. The ego corrupts because the ego thinks in terms of mental objects and little of life can fit into mental objects.
  3. The ego corrupts because you attach your life force to it, making it respond like a lizard to threats and a mammal to pleasures.
  4. The ego corrupts because the ego is about appearing as positive self-constructions by making others appear as negative self-constructions.
  5. You cannot see or think clearly if your ego is involved because your ego always has the agenda of appearing superior and not appearing inferior. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What You Chase Is What You Get: 04-16-2024

  1. If you chase positions and titles, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
  2. If you chase a career or profession, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
  3. If you chase possessions and things, you chase the ego (self-esteem).
  4. If you chase virtue, you chase life improvement.
  5. If you chase God, you chase eternal life.

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Host Is Not the Hosted: 04-15-2024

  1. Movies are hosted by TVs, but that is not evidence that TVs are making movies.
  2. Music is hosted by radios, but that is not evidence that radios are making music.
  3. Thoughts are hosted by human beings, but that is not evidence that human beings are making thoughts.
  4. Human conversations are hosted by telephones, but that is not evidence that telephones are making human conversations.
  5. Computers host computer programs, but that is not evidence that computers are making computer programs even when hosted computer programs are creating new computer programs.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Addiction to Destruction: 04-14-2024

  1. The ego is an addiction because it provides both pleasure and destruction.
  2. People want pleasure, and the pleasure of the self as the good, while destroying others as the bad is the highest pleasure of the flesh.
  3. The history of the human race is the history of seeking the right people to destroy to secure more power and privilege for the right people.
  4. The ego needs stimulation to appear alive, and pride as knowing, doing, and being the good while destroying evil provides the most stimulation by simultaneously going in two opposite directions.
  5. The addictive nature of the ego stems from the pleasure it provides—a sense of superiority. This superiority often serves as a justification for destructive actions. For instance, a person may feel superior due to political power and use this to belittle those with less power.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

I’d Rather Be Me Than About: 04-13-2024

  1. I’d rather be me than be about me.
  2. I’d rather be me than be about whining how unfair life is.
  3. I’d rather be me than be about complaining what I have to do.
  4. I’d rather be me than be about claiming I’m better than others.
  5. I’d rather be me than be about some self-commentaries, self-dialogues,

Friday, April 12, 2024

Self-Deception for the Ego: 04-12-2024

  1. Your self-narratives can have nothing to do with reality as long as they feed your self-constructions of how you are better or desire better.
  2. Your internal monologue is not interested in peace, harmony, or resolving conflict because it thrives on conflict and uses it to feed your ego.
  3. Your self-talk holds the power to shape your perceptions, even convincing you of untruths, all while feeding your pride in misery and suffering.
  4. Your self-dialogue is not about yourself because it is about your ego and the needs of your ego outside of and with indifference to the context of your life and relationships.
  5. Your self-commentary is a powerful tool for making all your thoughts about yourself more important than you and creating new and old self-constructions that replace you.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Time to Be You: 04-11-2024

  1. Your past is not yourself because you lived before your past and now live after it.
  2. Your present is not yourself because you lived before your present and live after it in every new moment.
  3. Your future is not yourself because you are here in the moving now, not there then (future-past memories and thoughts).
  4. Self-constructions (ego, self-esteem) want to own you as your past, present, and future and feed on your life force.
  5. Learn from your past, live your present, and prepare for your future while remaining true to your “living host nature,” your authentic self.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Host Is Not the Hosted: 04-10-2024

  1. Find out who is talking inside because it is never you.
  2. Find out who is thinking inside because it is never you.
  3. Any talking inside that claims you are talking can be immediately understood as the enemy because you can only host talking, not be a source of talking.
  4. Any thinking inside that claims you are thinking can be immediately understood as the enemy because you can only host thinking, not be a source of thinking.
  5. Embrace who and what you truly are—a living host, not a god (idol) who knows good and evil, as Satan claimed you could be. This is the key to preserving your authentic self.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Before God, Not Humankind: 04-09-2024

  1. Cry to God, not humankind.
  2. Suffer for God, not humankind.
  3. Lament to God, not humankind.
  4. Feel pain before God, not humankind.
  5. Bear the ugliness of your human nature before God, not humankind.

Monday, April 8, 2024

Get Out of the About: 04-08-2024

  1. When you focus on “about it” over “what is,” “about it” comes to replace the reality of “what is.”
  2. When you simultaneously view “about it” and “what is,” you rapidly switch between them and never fully engage with either.
  3. The “about it” splits your awareness into two because you are supposed to simultaneously view “what is” and “about it,” which means you are multitasking between them.
  4. Sometimes, you need “about it” to gain information and direction; however, you do not need “about it” as a constant companion that destroys the unity and wholeness of your experiences.
  5. If you are thinking about a movie while watching it, are you watching it? What are you missing? Is what you’re missing important? Does the movie occupy you? Do you miss an emotional connection and understanding by not being occupied (absorbed)?

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Ego Cares: 04-07-2024

  1. What people call selfishness is servitude to the ego.
  2. The ego thinks my needs first and the needs of the self last.
  3. The ego claims to care about the self while it destroys and replaces it.
  4. The ego claims to care about the self by caring about the ego’s needs as if they were not in opposition.
  5. The ego claims to care about the self by seeking pride and avoiding shame as self-constructions; however, the ego is composed of self-constructions, not the self.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Knowing Someone Is Murder: 04-06-2024

  1. When you think you know someone, what you know are some characterizations, not a human being.
  2. When you think you know someone, what you know are some narratives and stories, not a human being.
  3. When you think you know someone, what you know are some comparisons or diagnoses, not a human being.
  4. When you think you know someone, what you know are some measurements or testing results, not a human being.
  5. When you think you know someone, what you know is an incomplete history of some behavior patterns, not a human being.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Science Needs a Reality Check: 04-05-2024

  1. The scientific faith in measurement is superstitious.
  2. Without measurement, there is no science, and without understanding measurement, there is no good science.
  3. Scientific measurements are measurements of measurements, not the measured when the subject is as small as or smaller than the instrument of measurement.
  4. Science measures the small to the point that the measurement is larger than the thing measured, resulting in the measurements saying more about themselves than what they propose to measure.
  5. Science measures the small with measurements larger than the small that overwhelm the small and can only provide false conclusions about the small if the measurements are not seen as false and problematic.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Science Is Based on Delusions (GS): 04-04-2024

  1. Science is based on definitions and the delusion that the definition is the defined.
  2. Science is based on categories and the delusion that the category is the categorized.
  3. Science is based on descriptions and the delusion that the description is the described.
  4. Science is based on measurements and the delusion that the measurement is the measured.
  5. Science is based on characterizations and the delusion that the characterization is the characterized.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Ego Is a Delusion (GS): 04-03-2024

  1. The ego is based on definitions and the delusion that the definition is the defined.
  2. The ego is based on descriptions and the delusion that the description is the described.
  3. The ego is based on comparisons and the delusion that the comparison is the compared.
  4. The ego is based on measurements and the delusion that the measurement is the measured.
  5. The ego is based on characterizations and the delusion that the characterization is the characterized.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

To Know Yourself Is Death: 04-02-2024

  1. The ego requires to be known, and to be known is to be dead as something.
  2. The ego is based on claiming and knowing; however, the self is based on active humility and surrender.
  3. The ego is about knowing yourself as self-constructions while pretending that those dead things are living.
  4. The ego is based on categorial thinking that claims to know and be more than just the database sorting, filing, and storing of dead information.
  5. Without claiming to know, you cannot have self-esteem (ego); however, your claims to know are the destruction of the self through foolish attempts to preserve it as fossils.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Self-Esteem Or Self?: 04-01-2024

  1. People love their chains because they love self-esteem, and it is the process of chaining you to self-constructions.
  2. People love to defeat themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the defeat and replacement of your authentic self.
  3. People love to destroy themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the destruction of your original nature for the sake of dead mental objects.
  4. People love to sabotage themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the ruining of your host nature for the sake of dead men’s bones (self-constructions).
  5. People love to harm and hurt themselves because they love self-esteem, which is the death of your deeper and purer nature from a thousand cuts (changing self-constructions).

Sunday, March 31, 2024

There Is One Salvation: 03-31-2024

The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is the Lord of Hosts because He is the host of all.

The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob wanted His only begotten Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to enjoy life in Himself as the Father does.

The Son of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is the Prince of Peace because He remade man as flesh (Adam) into man as Spirit (the risen Christ).

The Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, saved the world by remaking man from flesh into man as Spirit.

The world celebrates the birth and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob because He gave His life that we might live in Him forever in Heaven as children of God.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Who Will We Be?: 03-30-2024

  1. You work hard to become one person (self-construction set); however, you are never satisfied; therefore, you work to become a different and “better” person (self-construction set).
  2. You toil to mold yourself into one person (self-construction set), only to realize that all you’ve amassed is a hollow ego, a mere figment of your imagination, existing solely as mental objects.
  3. You labor to fashion yourself into one person (self-construction set), yet the ever-shifting circumstances often force you to metamorphose into someone else (self-construction set), nullifying all your efforts and progress.
  4. You work hard to become one person (self-construction set); however, you are in a relationship with someone (parent, spouse, boss, coach, teacher, friend) who wants a different and “better” person (self-construction set), negating all your efforts and progress.
  5. You work hard to become one person (self-construction set); however, you discover that all you have gained are thought-things (mummified images) that are nothing in reality and have nothing to say about reality because they are no more than cartoon characters (mental objects) promoting themselves.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Why Have Self-Esteem?: 03-29-2024

  1. Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself to counter despising yourself?
  2. Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself to counter others’ despising yourself?
  3. Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself so you do not have to follow God?
  4. Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself because your ego requires it?
  5. Why do you need to esteem yourself? Do you esteem yourself because you want to be great things instead of an equal human being?

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Know Yourself: 03-28-2024

  1. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than God.
  2. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than a living vessel.
  3. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you because you serve the One Self.
  4. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you other than the ego posing as self-constructions.
  5. You want to know yourself; however, there is nobody to know inside you, and that nobody is a living host designed to enjoy and share the One Self.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Insults Prove Weakness: 03-27-2024

  1. You will not react to insults unless you own them and want to be somebody else.
  2. You will not match insults unless you believe them and require being somebody else.
  3. You will not respond to insults unless you purchase them and expect to be somebody else.
  4. You will not return insults unless you take them to heart and demand to be somebody else.
  5. You will not reply to insults unless you take them seriously and plan on being somebody else.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Evil Is More than Ignorance: 03-26-2024

  1. Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil does not require knowledge for direction.
  2. Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil is not overcome by insight or knowledge alone.
  3. Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil exists in all religions, theologies, and spiritual systems.
  4. Ignorance is not the root of evil because evil does not flee right information but only direct and living truth.
  5. Ignorance is not the root of evil because, without love, there is no overcoming evil, and love is not knowledge-based.

Monday, March 25, 2024

You Are the Internal Vessel: 03-25-2024

  1. I am somebody because I am my internal vessel, and it exists in a unique space, place, and time; however, my vessel is identical to all others of the same make.
  2. I am something because I am my internal vessel, and it exists in a unique space, place, and time; however, my vessel is identical to all others of the same make.
  3. I am not a person, personality, ego, self-esteem, or self-constructions because they are all dead things and cannot function as vessels for more than themselves.
  4. My internal vessel, a concept that can be likened to a unique spaceship, never becomes what it entertains; however, we often deceive ourselves into believing that we become what we host to construct an ego sense of self.
  5. Performing some action does mean that action has to become a mental object or that we have to identify with that mental object as our being: we are not our performances.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

What to Enjoy?: 03-24-2024

  1. Do you want to enjoy God or your ego?
  2. Do you want to enjoy God or the world?
  3. Do you want to enjoy God or the pleasures of pride?
  4. Do you want to enjoy God or becoming superior to others?
  5. Do you want to enjoy God or coveting and consuming things to cover your ego?

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Detach for Freedom: 03-23-2024

  1. Psychologically, step back to detach.
  2. To detach is to gain perspective.
  3. To gain perspective is to see what you serve.
  4. To see what you serve is to gain choice.
  5. To gain choice is to gain freedom.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Live for Yourself: 03-22-2024

  1. If you live for yourself, who are you living for?
  2. If you live for yourself, are you living for your ego?
  3. If you live for yourself, are you living for your self-constructions?
  4. If you live for yourself, are you living for your self-esteem or self-stories?
  5. If you live for yourself, are you living for your covetousness and possessiveness?

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Inward Living: 03-21-2024

  1. The inner vessel is open.
  2. The inner vessel is ready.
  3. The inner vessel is nobody.
  4. The inner vessel is nothing.
  5. The inner vessel is waiting.
  6. The inner vessel is peaceful.
  7. The inner vessel is receptive.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Inward Bound: 03-20-2024

  1. The inner vessel is still.
  2. The inner vessel is silent.
  3. The inner vessel is selfless.
  4. The inner vessel is space and supple.
  5. The inner vessel is simple and single.
  6. The inner vessel is serious and secure.
  7. The inner vessel is service and sharing.
  8. The inner vessel is sensitive and straight.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

One Person: 03-19-2024

  1. Solipsism is real because we are all one person.
  2. There is only one person because there is only one human nature.
  3. When you study history, you made all the mistakes because there is only one person.
  4. When you watch a movie, you are all the characters because there is only one person.
  5. When you judge your neighbors, you judge yourself because there is only one person.
  6. A second person was created by having the Son of God become the first person and then be reborn of the Spirit to make a second person, the new man, and our salvation from the first man.

Monday, March 18, 2024

What Can I Do?: 03-18-2024

  1. What can I do? I can host.
  2. What can I host? Good or evil.
  3. What will I host? What I am drawn to.
  4. What am I drawn to? I am drawn to death and destruction.
  5. I pray God draws me to the good over my human inclination to the evil.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sensing Is Not Thinking: 03-17-2024

  1. Sensing is not found in experience.
  2. Sensing is not found in words.
  3. Sensing is not found in thought-things.
  4. Sensing is found in silence.
  5. Sensing is found in direct contact.
  6. Direct contact is found in silence.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Meaning Is Not Words (GS): 03-16-2024

  1. Words have no meaning of their own.
  2. Meaning has no words of its own.
  3. Meaning has no speech of its own.
  4. Meaning has no thoughts of its own.
  5. Meaning is not found in thoughts or words.
  6. Meaning is found in experiences.
  7. Meaning is the connection of experiences.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Nothing Cannot: 03-15-2024

  1. Nothing cannot know nothing.
  2. Nothing cannot do nothing.
  3. Nothing cannot be nothing.
  4. Nothing is beneath something.
  5. Nothing is hidden from all.
  6. Nothing is nothing to all.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

It Is Nothing: 03-14-2024

  1. It is nothing because it does not matter.
  2. It is nothing because it is based on blind doubt.
  3. It is nothing because it is thinking, not experience.
  4. It is nothing because it is thought-things, not reasoning.
  5. It is nothing because no one will care in a hundred years.
  6. It is nothing because it is just a fear, not a rational prediction or warning.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Nothing Never Does: 03-13-2024

  1. Nothing is never serving anything because nothing has nothing to offer.
  2. Nothing is never following because nothing has no being to follow with.
  3. Nothing is never resting because nothing has no active or passive nature to rest.
  4. Nothing is never retreating because nothing has no space and place to retreat from or to.
  5. Nothing is never naked or vulnerable because nothing has no form that can be clothed or harmed.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Nothing Is Never Something: 03-12-2024

  1. Nothing is not waiting because nothing has no sense of time, space, or being.
  2. Nothing is not emptiness because emptiness is a space, and nothing has no space.
  3. Nothing is not weakness because nothing has no form that can be either weak or strong.
  4. Nothing is not stillness because stillness exists in contrast to sound, and nothing knows no sound.
  5. Nothing is not peace because peace exists between different things and nothing is neither the same nor different things.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Nobodies Leave as Nobodies: 03-11-2024

  1. The world is full of nobodies trying to be somebodies and never arriving.
  2. The world is full of nobodies claiming to be somebodies to rule over the other nobodies.
  3. The world is full of nobodies pretending to be somebodies, hoping to one day believe their own lies.
  4. The world is full of nobodies who eventually will arrive as nobodies when they die and get explained away as somebodies.
  5. The world is full of nobodies imagining others are somebodies when they are also nobodies imagining others are somebodies.

Saturday, March 9, 2024

One Is Only One: 03-10-2024

  1. One self, one God.
  2. One love, one God.
  3. One story, one God.
  4. One virtue, one God.
  5. One source, one God.
  6. One energy, one God.
  7. One somebody, one God.

Rely on God, Not Thinking: 03-09-2024

  1. Humans must fall back on God, not thinking.
  2. Retreat from the ego and receive from God.
  3. Return to the source (God), and rest in God.
  4. Good people want to fall back on God for support.
  5. Evil people want to fall back on you and the world for support.
  6. Evil people go forward to claim; however, the good go backward to give all glory to God.

Deserve to Do Bad: 03-08-2024

The excuse of negative is negative.

  1. My country is racist, so I deserve to riot and loot to make things even.
  2. I had a bad day at work, so I deserve to overeat and binge-watch Netflix.
  3. My parents were cruel, so I deserved to rob and steal to make up for missed love.
  4. I started disadvantaged, so I deserve to lie, cheat, steal, and sleep my way to the top.
  5. My coach was abusive, so I deserved to be lazy and sloppy when I played this game.
  6. I am a politician, executive, propaganda journalist, or social elite, so I deserve inside information to become a millionaire.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Self-Constructions Are Self-Frauds: 03-07-2024

  1. Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not develop, form, or produce human nature.
  2. Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not arrange, organize, or structure human nature.
  3. Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not account for, explain, or describe human nature.
  4. Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not approximate, correspond to, or resemble human nature.
  5. Self-constructions (ego, mental objects, self-esteem) do not compose, comprise, constitute, or construct human nature.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Ego Complex of Prediction: Part 2: 03-06-2024

  1. Stop the ego madness by realizing the ego is nobody: not a being but just dead concepts and images of a being.
  2. Understand that the ego can do nothing because it is not a being, has no power, and cannot act.
  3. Quit the game of judging who deserves what and start accepting winning positive hosted-minds all the time.
  4. Realize that positive hosted-minds are always freely available for everyone.
  5. Stop these three false expectations, judgments, and predictions: (1) I am the ego. (2) I deserve the negative because my ego is negative. (3) I will receive the negative whatever I do to prevent it.

(A full understanding requires the reading of 2 Perform Use 2-Minds.)

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Ego Complex of Prediction: Part 1: 03-05-2024

We want to predict the future because doing so is known to help us survive.

  1. Step one: Some challenge, conflict, distress, disturbance, or stress (event) is noted that has the potential to produce negative consequences.
  2. Step two: The ego is judged in relation to the existence of the event that occurred in step one.
  3. Step three: The judgment is that the ego deserves to be negative. The reasons are that only a negative ego would receive the negative event, only a negative ego deserves such a negative event, such a negative event only happens to negative egos, and other superstitious beliefs and ideas about how the negative is your ego’s due.
  4. Step four: Choose negative hosted-minds to match the negative ego: water seeks its own level.
  5. Step five: You fail by using negative hosted-minds.

(A full understanding requires the reading of 2 Perform Use 2-Minds.)

Monday, March 4, 2024

Trying Is Doubting Success: 03-04-2024

  1. Trying is faith in fear and doubt in God.
  2. Trying is hope in failure and charity for failing.
  3. Trying is based on doubt, not faith, which dooms it.
  4. Trying is negative in the beginning, middle, and end.
  5. Trying is the opposite of the spiritual practice of waiting on God.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Murder with Categorizations: 03-03-2024

  1. When you categorize someone, you negate them.
  2. When you categorize someone, you thingify them.
  3. When you categorize someone, you turn them into capricious thought-things (dead reified thoughts).
  4. When you categorize someone, you turn them into arbitrary mental objects (dead self-constructions).
  5. When you categorize someone, you no longer have to consider what they think and feel as a human being because they are just a placeholder and object now.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Magical Self-Improvement Destroys: 03-02-2024

  1. When you present me with the devices and instruments of your self-improvement, I see beliefs in mind-over-matter and philosophical Idealism.
  2. When you present me with the mechanisms of your self-improvement, all I perceive is a whirlwind of wishes and wants wrapped in the cloak of magical thinking.
  3. When you present me with the formulas and procedures of your self-improvement, I see a false psychology that is not only misapplied and misunderstood but also untested, potentially leading to delusions.
  4. When you present me with the techniques and technologies of your self-improvement, I see a disconnect between what exists along the way (covering your immorality) and the expected results of being a higher being.
  5. When you reveal the methods of your self-improvement, I discern a misguided belief that the mere accumulation of physical and mental repetitions can somehow summon external forces potent enough to transform you.

Friday, March 1, 2024

Science Is Categorically False: 03-01-2024

  1. Science is the worship of categorical thinking.
  2. Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace facts and reality.
  3. Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace evidence and experience.
  4. Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace knowledge and knowing.
  5. Science is the belief that categorical thinking can replace intelligence and understanding.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Work of Waiting: 02-29-2024

  1. When you wait on God, you must have faith in God to wait on Him.
  2. When you wait on God, you must have faith in the goal you seek to relieve suffering and promote spiritual health.
  3. When you wait on God, you must have hope in the goal you seek to relieve suffering and promote spiritual health.
  4. When you wait on God, you must have charity for God, which means you believe God is good and desires good.
  5. When you wait on God, you must keep your eye on the prize (the good gift from God) that will relieve suffering and promote spiritual health.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Hypocrisy Begins at Home: 02-28-2024

  1. You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you do not follow local safety laws when driving your car because it is inconvenient.
  2. You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you cheat on your taxes and do and receive work that is not taxed by hiding it from the government.
  3. You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you steal supplies from work, waste work time on personal matters, and don’t care if you can’t get caught.
  4. You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you do not follow them when it is merely inconvenient to you, for example, not recycling paper or using plastic when other options are available.
  5. You complain when countries don’t follow the highest moral principles during wars; however, you run a restaurant and feed your community white rice and bread, which contribute to the epidemics of diabetes, obesity, and other health problems.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Wait on God, Not Yourself: 02-27-2024

  1. Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you rely on an objectified good, not God.
  2. Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you want to claim you do the good, not rely on God to do it.
  3. Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you are mistaking trying to do or be good for waiting on God to do the good.
  4. Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you want to become the good, not submit to God as the only good.
  5. Why is waiting on God hard or not working? Because you want to appear as the good for your pride (ego, self-esteem), and waiting on God requires only God to appear as the good.

Monday, February 26, 2024

The Battle Is God’s: 02-26-2024

  1. I handle it by asking God to handle it.
  2. My work is to have faith, hope, and charity for the work of God.
  3. Repair your roof because you can; stop trying to repair your thoughts because you can’t.
  4. You think you are striving and struggling to be good; however, all your striving and struggling is to die as idols (self-constructions).
  5. You believe you are pulling and pushing on your thoughts to improve them; however, all your so-called efforts are just thoughts of pulling and pushing, not actual pulling, pushing, or work.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Whining & Damning Bigger Problem: 02-25-2024

  1. Whining, blaming, and damning the past will not change it.
  2. Whining, blaming, and damning the present will harden it, not soften it.
  3. Whining, blaming, and damning the future will not prevent it.
  4. Whining, blaming, and damning the possible will not prepare for it but might prepare to make it worse.
  5. Whining, blaming, and damning the predictable are not proactively preparing for it but might be a way to prepare to succumb to it.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Science Has Become Anti-Science: 02-24-2024

  1. Science continues to find more code in nature (cells, DNA) but unthinkingly refuses to admit or recognize the coder.
  2. Science has become so narrowly defined in academia that it is no longer science because it now refuses to follow where the evidence leads.
  3. Science is bigotry because it limits reasoning to nature and the five senses when other disciplines, such as history, consider more than material causes.
  4. Science has become anti-intellectual because it refuses to consider information arriving from outside the self-imposed blinders of nature and the five senses.
  5. There is no necessity for the necessity of survival in nature (Darwinian falsehood) because matter naturally seeks disintegration without an outside influence.
  6. Science does not even understand gravity because the laws of gravity describe some features but provide no understanding or explanation of the gravity mechanism.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Stimulation Is Motivation: 02-23-2024

  1. Your motivation is to seek, know, do, and be stimulations (vibrations).
  2. Something is important to you because it is important to your stimulation (arousal, excitement).
  3. To know why something is important to you, ask how it is important to your stimulations (sensations).
  4. Does it increase or promise to continue your stimulations (impressions, experiences, feelings)?
  5. Does it bind, capture, cause, claim, contain, identify, own, or trap stimulations (energy waves) for you?

Thursday, February 22, 2024

End the Focus on Garbage: 02-22-2024

  1. You are a garbage collector because you don’t take out the trash; you save and revel in it.
  2. You are a garbage collector because you don’t burn or bury garbage; you savor, share, and spread it.
  3. You are a poop sniffer because you don’t flush poop away; you keep thinking about it far past reasonableness.
  4. You are a poop sniffer because you don’t flush poop away; you keep ruminating on and making it important.
  5. It is bad enough that you gather your own garbage and revisit your private garbage museum regularly; however, you also gather other people’s garbage in another museum that you also frequently revisit.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Stop Blocking Success for Pride: 02-21-2024

  1. You prevent yourself from performing well because you trust hate (damning) to gain control.
  2. You prevent yourself from performing well because you demand things happen, not make them happen.
  3. You prevent yourself from performing well because you expect things rather than face things.
  4. You prevent yourself from performing well because you deal with the frozen past projected over the present.ß
  5. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride over learning, submitting, and responding to immediate events.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Stop Defeating Yourself: 02-20-2024

  1. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to appear to be successful over being successful.
  2. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to try to control being rescued by whining over performing for winning.
  3. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in judging and worrying over performing for winning.
  4. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in blaming for failing over performing for winning.
  5. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in identifying with winning over performing for winning.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Get Out of the Way: 02-19-2024

  1. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to demand that problems not exist.
  2. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose to objectify problems, making them unfixable.
  3. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in performing well over performing.
  4. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in trying to perform over performing.
  5. You prevent yourself from performing well because you choose pride in thinking you will become better over actually performing.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

All Work Is Good: 02-18-2024

  1. All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because of your attitude, not the work.
  2. All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because of your whining, not the work.
  3. All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because you falsely think you’re too good for it.
  4. All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because you despise and resent it, not because it is not good.
  5. All work is enjoyable and a gift; if you don’t enjoy some work, it’s because you delay and procrastinate, causing problems where none existed.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Nothing Is About You: 02-17-2024

  1. Nothing is about you because no one knows you, including you.
  2. Nothing is about you because your being is a transceiver, and either it is working or not.
  3. Nothing is about you because the “you” it would be about is some self-constructions, not you.
  4. Nothing is about you because your being is a transceiver and not to be confused with the signals it receives and resends.
  5. Nothing is about you because no one can find you to pin anything on you because your ways are ways of energy and sensation that thinking cannot capture as something.

Friday, February 16, 2024

The Ego Is About Proving Itself: 02-16-2024

  1. The ego is about proving itself, not enjoying itself.
  2. The ego is about deifying itself, not companionship and communion with others through equality.
  3. The ego is about performing for the sake of appearing to be superior, not for contributing and sharing.
  4. The ego is about overgeneralizing thoughts about itself, not gaining insight and perspective into the variations of its behaviors, choices, experiences, and experiments.
  5. The ego is about obtaining and maintaining status, so it produces classism, cooks for the rich, cronyism, discrimination, elites, exclusive neighborhoods, exclusivity in eating and purchasing, favoritism, gated communities, housekeepers for the rich, inequality, injustice, intolerance, journalists protecting the narratives of the elite, levels of legal defense and representation, maids for the rich, mansions, multiple homes for the rich, nannies for the rich, non-objectivity, partiality, political classes, preferential treatment, private police, private schools, private society, private trainers, privileged, propaganda promoting the benefits bestowed by elites, public relations (PR) specialists, publicists, racism, rules for thee not for me, separate justice, social classes, special consideration, war, yachts for the rich, and genocide.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Pride Murders As Things: 02-15-2024

  1. Pride will murder you as things faster than cancel culture.
  2. Pride will murder you as things faster than a wife in a fight.
  3. Pride will murder you as things faster than an enemy damning you.
  4. Pride will murder you as things faster than a Muslim apologist who hates facts about Islam.
  5. Pride will murder you as things faster than a journalist defending the propaganda they are paid to serve.