Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Failing by Choice: 01-14-2025

  1. You can know exactly what to do, but if you don’t trust it can be done through you, you will somehow sabotage it.
  2. You can practice what to do until it becomes automatic, but if you don’t believe it can be done through you, you will short-circuit it somehow.
  3. You can have done the same thing many times before, but if you don’t have faith that it can be done through you this time, you will somehow subvert it.
  4. You can easily perform something; however, this is the first time you have been pressured to do it, and you lack confidence that you can do it under pressure, so somehow, you spoil it.
  5. You can easily perform something; however, this is the first time people have been watching you perform it, and you lack conviction that you can do it in front of people, so somehow, you scuttle it.

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