Saturday, September 14, 2024

Simulating Intelligence Takes Little: 09-14-2024

  1. Computers appearing intelligent is not enough. For example, Gavin Newsom looks and sounds intelligent, so he appears intelligent; however, his policies consistently destroy and make worse almost everything they touch.
  2. AI and actors can become great at mimicking intelligent conversations after enough training and retraining; however, this does not prove that any understanding has occurred.
  3. AI bots and customer service representatives can be trained to say intelligent things at the right time and place; however, this proves an ability to repeat directions, not intelligence or consciousness.
  4. Teachers often sound intelligent when mimicking the intelligence of those under discussion; however, mindlessly repeating intelligent things is not the same as having intelligence, whether done by people or computers.
  5. Meditation is often a practice of increasing consciousness by eliminating and reducing information processing. This demonstrates that data, facts, and information are capable of interrupting, hindering, and limiting consciousness, not of creating consciousness.

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