Thursday, August 29, 2024

Inferiority Is a Choice: 08-29-2024

  1. Waiting a long time for someone does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  2. Being fired from a job because of incompetence does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  3. Seeing others perform better than you at the same tasks does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  4. Having a spouse cheat on you despite your not ignoring their needs does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.
  5. Having someone ghost you (disappear from your life) after repeatedly telling you how wonderful you were does not make you inferior, but believing it does will make your ego (self-esteem) inferior mental objects.

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