Saturday, August 3, 2024

Receiving Must Be Your Focus: 08-03-2024

  1. Pray to receive knowing, doing, and being, not to have them as your own.
  2. Treat everything inside you as received, not caused or created by you; then switch to good from evil.
  3. Don’t pray to be good, kind, or patient; pray to follow God’s goodness, kindness, and patience.
  4. While we cannot know, do, or be the good, we can be under the Good knowing, doing, and being the Good.
  5. When you find the destructive negative in your heart, soul, mind, or body, repent and ask God to replace it with the curative and healthy positive.
  6. You are a receiving and resending vessel; therefore, treat all you experience inside as received. This will empower you to refute, return, and refuse the destructive.

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