Monday, July 29, 2024

Computers Will Never Be Conscious: 07-29-2024

  1. Consciousness is separate from and independent of experience, knowledge, and language.
  2. An infinite amount of language training and mimicking conversations inside a supercomputer will not create the consciousness of even one word.
  3. No matter how many experiences are recorded and stored in a supercomputer, it will never generate the consciousness of even a single experience.
  4. An infinite amount of facts and knowledge inside a supercomputer will not create the consciousness of even one fact, just as a library full of books does not make the library itself knowledgeable.
  5. Consciousness, a realm beyond the grasp of even the most powerful computers, cannot be created by any amount of experience, knowledge, or language, even if combined. This is the fundamental truth that we must accept, regardless of the computational power and the sophistication of computer programs. It reinforces the confidence in the superiority of human consciousness over any potential computer counterpart.

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