Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Switching Is the Answer: 07-23-2024

  1. What keeps you from switching thinking channels?
  2. Do you fail to switch channels because you foolishly try to change or control some channels?
  3. Do your conditioning and habits keep you from switching from poor to better mental channels?
  4. Are your desires and lusts the roadblocks that prevent you from switching to better mental channels?
  5. Are your ego and the need for self-esteem payoffs holding you back from switching to better mental channels?
  6. Does your desire to be the knower by naming things keep you from switching from poor to better mental channels?
  7. Do your claiming, trying, becoming, and appearing scripts keep you from switching from poor to better mental channels?
  8. Imagine the freedom and empowerment that comes from overcoming your self-defeating scripts. This shift from poor to better mental channels is within your reach.

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