Sunday, July 21, 2024

Who Talks in Your Self-Talk?: 07-21-2024

  1. What is the desired experience of your self-talk? Is it to experience yourself as a mental idol (high self-esteem)?
  2. What is the audience of your self-talk? Is it mental objects like the expectations of your parents, the societal norms, or your own self-image, acting as the conscience for your ego?
  3. Who do you assume is the speaker of your self-talk? Do you think it is you, your conscience, your desires, your ego, your parents, your scripts, your teachers, your society, your strengths, or your weaknesses?
  4. What is the purpose of your self-talk? Is it to sustain and fuel your ego, which constantly seeks validation and energy to avoid being just a collection of lifeless thoughts? Understanding this purpose can be enlightening.
  5. What does your self-talk desire or expect to happen? Does it anticipate the chain of reactions leading to its desired outcomes, eagerly awaiting the results at each stage? This aspect of self-talk can be intriguing to explore.
  6. Who or what does your self-talk relate to when it speaks? Does your self-talk speak in relation to you, your body, your ego, what is around you, what is above you, what is below you, what is inside you, what is outside you, or God?

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