Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Purposeful Chattering: 07-09-2024

  1. Your chattering mind is your main enemy in life.
  2. Your chattering mind is the one defeating you, not your family or society.
  3. When your chattering mind is allowed to correct your chattering mind, the outcome of any action based on that interference is doomed.
  4. What is the function or purpose of your chattering mind but self and other destruction? By testing its results and proving its purpose to yourself, you can harness the power of self-awareness to stop it.
  5. The chattering mind is not accidental, casual, or without purpose in its ramblings and diversions. Any way to feed your ego or cause destruction are pathways it will jump on from other pathways if they have stronger energy for destruction or self-superiority (self-destruction).

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