Sunday, July 28, 2024

Dead Computers Cannot Know: 07-28-2024

  1. Does the signpost for a street know the name of that street?
  2. Does a notebook understand one word of what is written on it even after a thousand years?
  3. Does a library know any of the information contained on its shelves even after hundreds of years?
  4. Do file cabinets of stored information on a city know anything about that city, given hundreds of years to learn it?
  5. Does a storage device (e.g., thumb drive) know the information stored on it, given decades to understand any of it?
  6. Why do you expect a dead computer that is switching the states of registers to know anything that those registers are imitating, impersonating, mimicking, mirroring, portraying, role-playing, simulating, and symbolizing?

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