Tuesday, June 18, 2024

How To Be Superior: 06-18-2024

  1. People want to believe they are superior to please their ego (self-esteem); therefore, people compare themselves downward, not upward.
  2. It is unpopular today to claim superiority based on race; however, it is still popular to claim superiority based on class, which is often mislabeled as racism.
  3. It’s a paradoxical human trait to want to assert our superiority over others. We might even claim we’re better because we’re more compassionate, humble, or modest. This ironic twist in our quest for superiority is a fascinating aspect of human behavior.
  4. People in the West use a variety of comparisons to claim superiority, including beauty, character, class, culture, diction, education, elocution, fame, fortune, hipness, intelligence, knowledge, looks, performance, personality, popularity, religion, spirituality, style, vocabulary, and more; however, few now use the once widely accepted and often preferred race comparison.
  5. People have become adept at projecting an image of superiority. They do this through various means, such as associating with the superior, feigning superiority, undergoing cosmetic procedures, assuming superior roles and titles, imitating the superior, hiding behind masks of superiority, seeking authority and power, seeking superior positions at corporations and institutions, using disguises or pretenses to appear to be richer or more popular than they are, and even resorting to fraud. This comprehensive list of methods highlights the extent to which people go to appear better than others.

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