Sunday, June 23, 2024

Snowflakes Meltdown & Blame: 06-23-2024

  1. A snowflake easily hurts themselves (their ego) and easily blames others for doing it.
  2. A snowflake, with their fragile ego, is effortlessly insulted and hurt and habitually externalizes all causes.
  3. A snowflake is someone who lives in a delusional world where people cause other people’s feelings but not their own.
  4. A snowflake, in their self-victimization, seeks to shift the responsibility of their self-wounding (ego wounding) onto others.
  5. A snowflake lacks emotional maturity and responsibility, believing that others must protect and care for them forever so they never have to grow up.
  6. At the core of the ‘snowflake’ concept is a distorted perception of reality. They believe that others are solely responsible for their emotional state, absolving themselves of any personal accountability.

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