Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Self Is Not This: 06-19-2024

  1. The self is not the heart (energy hosting) because the heart exists in the self as a part of it but not as all of it.
  2. The self is not the soul (sensation hosting) because the soul exists in the self as a part of it but not as all of it.
  3. The self is not the mind (knowledge hosting) because the mind exists as a part of the self but not as all of it.
  4. The self is not the awareness, consciousness, or focus it uses to interact with life because that awareness serves its master, the self, and is, therefore, separate from it.
  5. The self is not the body because the self remains unchanged by bodily changes; only the ego changes when the body changes.
  6. The self is not the heart, soul, or mind because changes in the contents of the heart, soul, or mind do not change the heart, soul, or mind, but only the ego.
  7. The self is an internal vessel made in God’s image, so it has heart, soul, and mind functions. When alive, the self also has awareness, consciousness, or focus. The human vessel can host God, not be God.

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