Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Ego Is Not a Being: 06-29-2024

  1. The ego can do nothing because it is just thoughts, so stop blaming the ego and start blaming your emotions.
  2. The ego is often perceived as an active being, but, in reality, it’s just a collection of self-constructions devoid of any real action.
  3. It’s convenient to conflate the ego with the emotions it inspires or triggers; however, this leads to the delusion that the ego is active and not just dead thoughts.
  4. The ego, composed of thinking, is essentially helpless. The actions we attribute to the ego are, in fact, the actions of emotional responses to the ego. So, it’s not the ego that’s to blame, but the emotions it triggers.
  5. By separating the ego as a collection of comparisons from the emotional energies it triggers (anger, anxiety), you can find a sense of peace and a clearer understanding of the influences on your attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

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