Saturday, June 22, 2024

Let Go & Let God Do It: 06-22-2026

  1. Fear and doubt might be keeping you stuck on some negative as it. Instead, have hope and faith in the Light of God to free you from identifying with it.
  2. You might believe that if you stop focusing on some negative, then it will sneak up on you and get you. However, by allowing fear to focus on you on it, it already has you.
  3. You might believe that if you don’t focus from inside some negative, then you will never get rid of it. However, detaching from it so you can ditch it is the only way it will ever be gone.
  4. As long as you are focusing from within some negative, it does not matter if you overwhelm it with positive thoughts or negative judgments; you will not change it and will remain focused and attached to it.
  5. If you can’t or won’t surrender your negative thoughts and emotions to God, then you are still holding onto them for ego payoffs. Letting go and allowing God to take over can bring a sense of relief and peace.

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